In Society

   Mme Madeleine Lemaire, whose previous soirée had been nothing less than a long ovation for the master Saint-Saëns, who had played the piano - in the same way that he composed for the piano - with genius - entertained, the Tuesday before yesterday, for the last time this year.
  Great success for Mlle Héglon, who sang an air from Orphée and an air from Samson et Dalila magisterially. Then Mlle Bartet, reciting some of the most beautiful pieces by Robert de Montesquiou, the Servante, the Laurier, the Lacrymatoires, gripped, through the charm and emotion of this magnificent poetry and through her infinite art of interpretation, an audience of the elite:
  The dowager Duchess d'Uzès,the duchess d'Uzès, the duchess de Brissac, countess Aimery de La Rochefoucauld, marquise de Gallifet, countess d'Haussonville, countess Potocka, countess de Guerne, princess de Brancovan, princess Bibesco, Mme Meredith Howland, Mme Lambert de Rothschild, countess de Lasteyrie, countess de Briey, countess de Saint-Léon, countess de Bois-Landry, duke de Luynes, marquis du Lau, counts Aimery and Hubert de La Rochefoucauld, count de Ségur, admiral Duperré, MM. Anatole France, de Heredia, count d'Haussonville, Pailleron, from the Academy; the painters Léon Bonnat, Gérôme, Carolus Duran, Jean Béraud, Boldini, Helleu, de La Gandara; the writers H. Fouquier, Prévost, Henri de Régnier, Jules Lemaitre, Étienne Grosclaude, Marcel Proust.

An unsigned society report attributed to Proust, published in Le Gaulois, 18 June 1896.

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