Letter to Maurice Barrès, 13-15 March 1904: "...I will write an article that I am going to call "Beautiful the life that starts with art and ends with morality" which will be about Maeterlinck and in which I will talk about Racine, Pascal, Tolstoy and I hope to find others between now and then."

   Letter to Fernand Gregh, 27 November 1904: "Where I am not completely in agreement with you is over Maeterlinck. Of course I know there are people who feel the need to talk about miracle and mystery. Already in the Preface to the Bible d'Amiens I have tried to puncture those different balloons a little. And I have written a study which is not yet finished about Maeterlinck in which I say things in a simiar vein, but not to reproach him for it. You will see eventually."

No trace of the article has yet been found.


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