
Explanatory Note: I am well aware that this is a very random selection of letters. That is because of the way my website developed over the years. To begin with, in the early days of the internet and with limited material available to me, I simply used whatever I came across. Later on I began to deliberately concentrate on Proust's articles, manuscripts and variants, only occasionally adding a few letters. A systematic translation of all the correspondence would take another lifetime.

1 Letters to Jacques Bizet, Daniel Halèvy, Robert Dreyfus, Lucien Daudet From Écrits de jeunesse, Institut Marcel Proust International, 1991.

1 Letter to his grandfather Requesting money to cover his expenses at a brothel. From lettersofnote.com

1 Letters to Mme and M. d'Eyragues From Marcel Proust et les Eyragues. Deux lettres inédites. e-dite, 2002.

1 Visiting Card sent to Saint-Saëns Château-Musée de Dieppe.

1 Letters to Mme de Noailles From Correspondance Générale vol 2 Lettres à la Comtesse de Noailles, Plon 1931. Translations of letters not included in Selected Letters series or Letters of Marcel Proust, Mina Curtiss. Letter numbers are from Plon, notes by Anna de Noailles. Some additional text from Correpondance de Marcel Proust.

1 Letters to Mme Straus From Correspondance Générale Correspondance avec Madame Straus, Plon 1936. Translations of letters not included in Selected Letters series or Letters of Marcel Proust, Mina Curtiss. Letter numbers and notes are from Plon.

1 Letters to M. Émile Straus From Correspondance Générale Correspondance avec Madame Straus, Plon 1936. Translations of letters not included in Selected Letters series or Letters of Marcel Proust, Mina Curtiss. Letter numbers and notes are from Plon.

1 Letters to the de Caillavets, R. de Flers & B. de Fenelon From Quelques Lettres de Marcel Proust à Jeanne, Simone, Gaston de Caillavet, Robert de Flers, Bertrand de Fenelon, Librairie Hachette 1928. Translations of letters not included in Selected Letters series or Letters of Marcel Proust, Mina Curtiss.

1 Letter to Francis Planté Letter to Francis Planté (1839-1934), French pianist. From Revue de musicologie, 95/I, 2009, Une lettre inédite de Marcel Proust à Francis Planté.

1 Letter to Antoine Bibesco From the Kolb Proust Archive For Research.

1 Letters to Reynaldo Hahn A few letters from Lettres de Marcel Proust à Reynaldo Hahn, Gallimard 1956, but taking any suppressed material from Correspondance.  

1 Letters to Léon Yeatman From the Kolb-Proust archive.

1 Unpublished letter to Léon Bélugou From Musée des lettres et manuscrits

1 Unpublished letter to unknown recipient Possibly Georges-Raphaël Lévy.

Letter to Louis d'Albufera Including a draft letter to Le Figaro on d'Albufera's behalf about the telephone scandal, c.30 March 1907. From Bulletin d'informations proustiennes, 51. new

Letter to a journalist Response to an inquiry about a favorite poet. From Du temps perdu au temps retrouvé, Musée des lettres et manuscrits, 2010.

1 Letter to Daniel Halévy Letter of condolence on the death of Halévy's son and comments on H.G. Wells.

1 Telegram to Odilon Albaret From auction catalogues.

1 Letter to Albert Le Cuziat The only known letter to Le Cuziat. From Proustonomics. new

1 Telegrams to Céleste Albaret From auction catalogues.

1 Letters to Mme Fournier Mme Fournier was Robert Proust's long-standing mistress; Marcel acted as go-between during the war. From Bulletin d'informations proustiennes, 41.

1 Letter to Romain Rolland From Marcel Proust Aujourd'hui no 5.

1 Unpublished letter to Jacques Truelle(?) From Musée des lettres et manuscrits

1 Unpublished letter to a friend From Musée des lettres et manuscrits

1 Letter to unidentified friend From auction catalogue.

1 Letter to Gustave Kahn Letter to the poet and literary critic about Proust's preface to Propos de peintre.

1 Letters to Jean Gustave Tronche Letters to the administrative director of La Nouvelle Revue Française.

1 Letter to Jean de Pierrefeu Long letter in response to an unfavorable review. Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France, 1971. 

1 Unpublished letter to Henri Duvernois From Musée des lettres et manuscrits

1 Telegram to Jacques Rivière From auction catalogues.

1 Letter to Jean Folie-Desjardin From auction catalogues.

1 Extracts from Miscellaneous Letters Taken from various sales catalogues etc (some unpublished ?).

1 Draft reply to André Lang Response to the enquiry "Y a-t-il encore les écoles littéraires?"

1 Le renouvellement du style Response to the enquiry "Sommes-nous en présence d'un renouvellement du style?" was published in La Renaisance, politique, littéraire, artistique 22 July 1922 and reprinted in Essais et articles, Gallimard 1971.

1 Une Tribune Française au Louvre? Response to a question posed by L'Opinion, published 28 February 1920 and reprinted in Essais et articles, Gallimard 1971.

1 Draft reply to L'Intransigeant Response to a question posed by L'Intransigeant, August 1920. From Marcel Prousts Fragebogen

Letters to the Prince of Monaco Previously unpublished letters from Annales Monégasques, no 39, Publication des archives du Palais Princier, 2015.

Letters from WW1 Letters published online in Corr-Proust. 


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