Cahier 60


Page 422 Little Bara to point out to Gallimard.


Pierre de Verjus Comte de Crécy arms a sprig of verjuice grapes
For the Simiones semé of towers azure and flers-de-lys with the device: "Sustendant lilia turres" [The towers support the lilies]
d'Ambreuil, de Sineta
Monpezat de Gerbon
Courbon, de la Corbinière
The books proclaim: I belong to Baron de Charlus
Spes mea [My hope]
Comte Parat de Chalandray
Mme de Villedume
In praeliis semper [Not always in combat]
Mme de la Maurinerie
Mme d'Orangis
Atavis et armis [By Ancestors and arms]
Arte et marte [By skill and by force]
Rozière surmounted by a leopard accompanied by two roses in gules


Marquise de St Comtest
Fortis fortuna fortior [Strong, stronger than fortune]
PLVS VLTRA CAROL [Further beyond Charles]
To add with Cambremer
Marquis de Mouvans the same pleasures as the master
Expectata non eludet [He will not disappoint hopes]
Marquis d'Armilly
charged cantoned with twenty crosslets of gold crossed at the base of gold
fitché of gold, dexter field ermine
Frezeau de la Frezelière
Squire Montargis
Valbelle de Tourves
Comte de Vassé


Death is life to me
Manet ultima caelo [The end belongs to Heaven]
Fourré de Tremigny
I will wait
For Norpois and Mme de Villeparisis (perhaps, in any case it's for him I put it in the morning article):
Because be it for an hour and even giving his name to it, he must get a clear idea of everybody who enters into other surroundings to his own, assuming at that very moment in front of those who make up this different group, an absolute incognito.
A weaponed arm issuing[?] from a cloud with
Fecit potentiam in brachio suo [He hath shewed strength with his arm]
For Le Temps retrouvé
AB UNO TANTUS SPLENDOR [Such brilliance coming from one person]

[margin] Add that to Venice, even if certain words in it were there for the first time.
He found the Doubovaia Balka weak, the de Beers stronger, Royal Dutch in demand; Primrose better held onto but then only a little activity by Tharsis and that even Chartered came in brightly, he deplored seeing Rente so relaxed; so much so that there would never be an end to it if you wanted to address your congratulations or condolences to him, more positively an indication of an annulment and a proposal to buy for each of these charming people


What affirmed to me that I had understood correctly was not the praises of the living, but resemblances with the dead. It is enough to find in one of Diderot's books that we do not know, something that we have said, to be assured of its truth (even more so to encounter it in life, because truth is an intellectual thing and what affirms it is less life's accidents than the efforts of the brain). Also it is not publicity that fortifies a writer but being read, it is not the commendations for the living but praise for a deceased.

4r - 5r   

Capital to be added to cahier 19 I think when I see that our successive works of art resemble one another because we resemble each other

   And this resemblance between works of art which come in part from life projects into life in its turn a resemblance that writers do not think about sufficiently. If different models pose one after the other for example for the woman who excites jealousy, when the writer portrays this, in his suffering, in front of the first model he gives no thought to future loves. But he leaves betrays in his book work a secret that the models women who are to follow will profit from. He assures them that he is not jealous. They will be ready to believe this, but suddenly they open his book, it seems to be written about them; it is as though some episode has been anticipated; they see they discover who the hero is, about whom the artists has told them at all events, in the fear that they read the book: "I tried to portray the complete opposite of myself, I who know nothing of jealousy." But he has portrayed himself too truthfully, they are not deceived by this however unintelligent they might be, they might have been duped by his words, the book inspired by the previous woman enlightens them, (sometimes on the wrong day because men vary) and they tell him, mistresses finally of the power which had escaped them: "the jealous one, it's you!". And that is why the only truly dangerous books, those we ought to forbid the woman we love from reading, are our own books.

Réjane's old age, and Le Bargy for Cahier 20.


Capital for cahier X when M. de Charles ins

For sleep (Côté de Guermantes most probably).
We do not know what death is. But in sleep we have a first useful indication warning that may find itself interrupted for a longer or shorter duration, perhaps for ever, the coincidence between our thoughts with their multiple objects. In reality our spiritual life is not continuous but cut through by a chasm fault line, and every morning we are obliged to rediscover our thoughts from the previous day, just as we search for an object that has been lost.

6r - 8r

For Le Côté de Guermantes at lunch (when I must not forget to show Aimé as floor waiter at Balbec before head waiter (retrospectively) and the double avalanche descending from the 5th floor to the entresol, incessant, transparent [margin] secret, transforming[?], instructive as a form of human geography with multicoloured views | among whom for his greater profit, he had lived for several years, marvellous strangers of both sexes, stout amorous ladies, young inverts from warm countries who come to France every year for a few months like storms [?] who every evening arrange varied, multicoloured, kaleidoscopic rendez-vous, leaving at the hour when the waiters go out or go to bed

[margin] He hardly had enough to manage on but never stood anybody up, because he was a good husband, would soon have children to feed, and because of that showed himself as more serious, the opposite of the less correct employees who, expected by a rich Brazilian lady, impolitely made her wait because they had met a pretty


impolitely made her wait because they had met a pretty woman. Aimé had more courage and more judgement.

7r - 8r

I will also say of Rachel: her lack of success in the theatre surprised me not one bit, she was awkward clumsy, even at lunch during meals. In a general way she [illegible] in an awkward fashion every object that she held in her hands, apart from this virile and lively person, her taste for whom gave her on the contrary a delicacy, an unprecedented sweetness, no doubt more intuitive than studied, and because she put herself in the place of men, she discovered by a sort of inspiration the mechanism thanks to which she could awaken, prolong, renew their pleasures.

M. de Guermantes let's take forty winks it's bedtime.

the lift attendant at Balbec: My porter talking about the head porter above him, just like the lady of the house saying my porter

Françoise that is as forbidden to her (being intelligent or good...) as the Lord's prayer to a donkey

[margin] As they say where I come from they don't need a goat to go to the fair

Her whole family looks like it's fed on lizards

9r - 10r

In Le Côté de Guermantes Bloch will say to me for example, he looks at his seat before sitting down or I have read his recollections about salons but I don't recognize those salons, and also as he hasn't the gift[?] of life, all that means nothing to me. In Le Temps retrouvé he will say one of these exact phrases to me, or both; in the same way that people use the same form of greeting; whereas he denied ever having an opinion on the congregations and denied it in good faith; because perhaps through weakness of mind we parsimoniously preserve the same thoughts and we keep them at hand, through the course of our life, and by contrast we change our opinions with extreme ease; and the sole feature of these two facts (another word rather than facts) is perhaps our facility for forgetfulness which allows us not to see things clearly, because we do not remember them, because twenty times we have expressed a certain an identical thought and a contradictory opinion in front of the same person.

11r - 12r

For Sodome et Gomorrhe
It is dreadful to think that in a coarse, deceitful, vulgar person there might be thoughts of extreme delicacy, an attentiveness of boundless good nature, quite simply in fact that his inclinations cause him to go in search of a false[?] friend[?] rather than a pretty woman (this would be best for Jupien and might also be appropriate when I talk about the two identical twins - and in this way demonstrate that M. de Charlus' pride resembles that of M. de Guermantes) the delicacies of one of them comes from his inversion and I will add:  Even more so it is not [illegible] in the same family, but in the same person, (in the end it is the same thing).

[margin] this is true of a cowherd that goodness in a family moreover appears alongside of homosexuality like a providential gift, like a vocation

[margin] this comes from the theatre box and later story of the Duchesse de Guermantes with her betrothed footman

Françoise on the subject of Albertine it's you who will go pale for it [pâlirez] instead of suffer for it [pâtirez] I told them I did, that in this day and age everybody wants to get money without doing anything for it
Waking up like the sun breaking through the clouds (see next page)
forgetting = non representation on unknown walks (see next page)

13r - 14r

Côté de Guermantes
On those days when sleep finding itself modified by a stimulant, by illness, by the suppression of a narcotic, ideas wandering through the brain the whole night, eyes tight shut, retaining at all times those faculties of invention, of expression and differing only from what they are during wakefulness in the various episodes that the mind contemplates, that it follows without interruption, without missing a word of dialogue - have no place at that particular time in the exterior world. It is like a novel that we have been carefully following, full of conversations where somebody says something [illegible] generally held between the characters who are much better understood by the sleeper, for example the drama [?] of a visit that has been announced for which he has asked that somebody comes to wake him up in an hour and who, having already arrived, goes out with him into the streets, holding a conversation of which the sleeper takes in not a single word and with whom he replies perfectly.

[margin] The Duc de Guermantes he always prefers not to wrap himself up before going out at least as a general theory all rules allow for exceptions don't they?

Côté de Guermantes
Awakening when one has slept well sometimes takes place very slowly. The sunlight of the intelligence is already dawning but across the images that put it out of shape.

14r - 16r

Sodome et Gomorrhe
I never pictured those walks (Albertine under Andrée's protection) to myself and that was enough to take the edge off my jealousy just as happens at the end of a love affair, in the period when one is already beginning to forget. Because any powerlessness of the intellect that may be the cause of it instantaneously sets off one's uncertainty about the place and the people we doubt [?], just as the end of a love affair is in reality the same powerlessness even though due to different causes. In the same way that we cease to be alive a little while we sleep, so I was ceasing little by little - for a few hours - to be jealous of Albertine when I did not know what she was doing without me. During each of these walks I was struck with a kind of detachment, but on a daily basis only that was comparable to forgetting (but with a distance between them that was greater still because forgetting is generally final) like the setting of the sun in the last days of autumn.

[margin] Think too about the days when we have not slept = melancholy days of removals, days when we have slept too much = too full of days blessed by convalescence, or New Year's Day. We wake up in bed in the afternoon and at the age of fifty we still think that we will be brought presents that have been promised us, or allowed our first sole [?].

Besides had I invented what Albertine was doing in order that during those months I should not be submitting myself to the slightest shock of reality, simply because I had invented it all according to my suspicions which were at the same time beyond anything that might have taken place one way or another. If Albertine was my prisoner, I was even more the prisoner of my own thoughts and they survived unknown and so different from what Albertine was actually doing, that everything I discovered came as an astonishment and an anguish to me.

16r - 17r

Sodome et Gomorrhe
The wind was blowing a gale. Its furious dashing did not reach the little bay at Balbec other than as an echo repeated in enormous proportion, of what must have been taking place on the high sea, from the opposite coast at Incarville the river at Doville was white with foam like a sea and encumbered with swirling branches. This did nothing to stop us venturing forth in a cabriolet to take the train to Doville to view the storm against the rocks etc... (Penmarch, see Elstir) we will all go, if the wind doesn't overturn our carriage, we'll leave at four in the morning! - Mont St Michel - first flowers Walking Houses [in English] (route) [?]

[margin] Put in the name of the river, the rocks etc. that Elstir painted in his pictures.

17r - 18r

Sodome et Gomorrhe
Do you see, Albertine, in Hugo's poetry with its dazzling palisade constructed in advance and the verse - even the stanza - even the entire poem - arrange and reverse their order so that the dazzling palisade is left till the end containing everything for me. [?] What might be [illegible] the most beautiful of Hugo's is the one we read together, Ruth and Boaz.
palisade rhyme [?]
Enters to eternal days and leaves by the changing days
he has deferred between these eternal days that in prose would come after and the changing days.
Palisade number
She is half alive and I am half dead
Palisade closing the whole poem
That golden sickle on the field of stars
Baudelaire the opposite

[margin] The manager at Balbec says the treaty is soon to be rectified (for ratified)
Françoise that will be done stantaneously for instantaneously as well as estassionate, true perversity.


Furniture in Baudelaire (Delphine's curtains) beds, sophora and the whatnots from the death of the lovers, the balcony
This has been put in so as not to have the Hotel de Porgès which as a consequence [illegible] in Rembrandt's The Jewish Bride without understanding that a painter likes to keep company with a model, laundresses, a brothel keeper, or even the brilliant guests of Mme de Porgès (at the end Mme de Guermantes will say of an artist it's the fringe element that irritates me)


Mme de Cambremer (the young)
It is not impossible

Walk on the beach in Sodome et Gomorrhe, with Albertine if possible
The waves after a slight rush as though from amorous gaiety, spreading out smoothly over the sand, covering it with a curvaceous and unified caress and retiring with a knowing skill to return again a moment later to caress it once more further along. But these caresses like all those that originate in marine nature were pure, and because of that so restful that one might have remained for hours just watching their laughter before caressing the sand and immediately afterwards their slower adhesion to it in a caress that touched it all over then slipped away. And art helping us to interpret nature, we gazed, Albertine and myself, at the perfect lines of the waves whose beauty Elstir had taught us to love.

20r - 23r

During the war the French went out with as much precaution as if they were going to the colonies towards the German lines where they traded prudently with the Boche, risking their lives, embracing their dreams of fortune, like Europeans going to carry out some forbidden commerce with savages.

Don't forget in the last conversation with Andrée, I say (without believing a word of it in a joking way as though talking at random): "But did Mme Bontemps have any of those sort of relations with her niece?" Andrée did not seem the slightest bit surprised by such a supposition and as if it were the most natural thing in the world replied: "At Incarville it is quite possible since they shared the same bed, but in Paris I honestly don't think so. No, in Balbec the person who was very much that way inclined was the First President's wife. And on what Mme Bontemps might have done with her niece at Incarville Andrée gave me some extenuating details according to her because that proved very little, but with an crudity that created in me as much as an impression of novelty as if I had landed on an island of cannibals. Because a little or a lot it amounted to the same thing. So that whatever little might have taken place between Albertine and Mme Bontemps, something that seemed so natural to Andrée seemed to me to be unimaginable, even when one tried to imagine outside the bounds of probability, and it is this unforeseeability that comes as a surprise to us from tomorrow's masterpieces that even when they were not built on  the memory of yesterday's masterpieces we had never been able to imagine them. In the realms of repulsion I had just as extreme a curiosity about the cannibalistic island very different from what I remembered when Mme Bontemps said at most things that were very different, talking about Albertine as a shameless little thing. I knew then nothing of life and when I was not there Mme Bontemps must have behaved quite differently in front of Andrée for her to have made such assumptions with so much calmness. People had always been proper and talkative with me in a worldly way, on the shore of that unknown island I had only known the smiles and the joyful cries of the cannibals.

In Sodome et Gomorrhe
Most capital probably at the Princesse de Guermantes' soirée (if I don't have to bring back Saint Loup a bit later) Saint Loup will say to me: "It's a shame that your little friend from Balbec (Albertine) doesn't have the fortune expected by my mother. We both understand each other very well, I think" he added with an air of discretion which struck me without my attaching any great importance to it.

[margin] for Norpois last conversation Albania which figures in this document is of no importance to the other territories mentioned therein

24r - 25r

Jupien opposite of a discomfort for certain things. Fear of disaster [?]
Wrecked my career
Duchesse de Guermantes and footman
The manager at Balbec memorandum for moratorium, [illegible] for Rueil.
Mme de Cambremer having little success as a wife, when she is with me (at the Hotel in Balbec or better going back to the Verdurin's) say, like Mlle (Goldsmidt's fiancé) and a bit like the young woman in the dynamite factory, we are (she and I) charming people, completely at ease with our desires (maybe she can say it by turns to a scorned intimate like Goldsmidt) and to a cab driver (or railway employee). She will also say to me  "the Duchesse de Guermantes doesn't like me. I don't know what I've done to her, try to find out what she has against me." I reply stupidly: "But surely she has nothing against you, surely she likes you, but you know she's also a bit of a snob." At this blunder Mme de Cambremer replied lightly "Oh no, she isn't a snob, because if she were she would make every effort to seek me out, she would try to have me in her house."

Brichot prick them both
Brichot or Norpois: the covenant

[margin] the manager at Balbec you see I've had shams put in the chimney.
I've only read the first paraph, the evidence is not admitted as an excuse and has demanded a separation (for armed reparation) they have been told
Françoise: what a snout
The manager at Balbec I took up arms first under M. Paillard.


Mme de Cambremer or the Duchesse de Guermantes
You are in a mischievous mood
manly rage [?]

The epidemic  The illness is remarkable by the gravity and the violence of its attacks (as though he were paying it a compliment). I have treated a patient for the same sort of malady who had no more breath than a drowned man. The crisis, he added with an air of regret, does not always arrive in such a dramatic character.

Côté de Guermantes
Françoise: I think he married one of those duke's sisters.

Don't forget when there is music at the end at the Princesse de Guermantes-Verdurin's (cahier19) to say, because as that became more and more tedious at Mme Sazerat's, likewise the ex-Verdurin continued after many years to have a young pianist, always about the same age, so consequently always a different one.


Mme Verdurin as Cottard said to M. de Charlus "From time time to time I find the Baron has a Marseilles accent" replied while addressing herself to the Baron and wishing to talk about Marseilles: "But Aren't you one of them in any case? from Marseilles." "Eh! Eh! that's a bit rich"  replied the Baron who by dint of spending time with people from the lower classes and to speak to them in their own language said for the first time "a bit rich" which he never would have done ten years earlier.


Capital for Sodome et Gomorrhe I
   Albertine often spoke to me about her female friends, about her aunt. But I noticed that she was frequently lying without even realizing it, which meant that  she would contradict herself straight away. On the other hand she wished some people dead, found them the worst of all, but was quick to be reconciled, found them "in the end the least wicked of all" (Alfred, Henri)

[margin]: It had rather the effect, be it that her lies forced her to pass judgement after what she had said, be it from her grudges or from her compassion which made her change the objects of her hatred by turns, of an extreme fickleness in her judgements and her decisions.

29r - 30r

   When somebody mentioned Swann at the Verdurin's at Balbec "Don't you know his daughter Gilberte?" I asked Albertine.
   "No", she replied.

   Later When Albertine comes to my house in Sodome et Gomorrhe, she asks me "Who are you writing to?"
   "To a pretty friend of mine, Gilberte Swann, you don't know her."
   Later when I say at Balbec, at the Verdurin's or coming back from there with her, somebody was talking about the Swanns, Albertine says: "Oh, Gilberte's parents."
   "Do you know her?"
   "Oh, hardly at all, I Not very well."
   On my return I remember this and I remember that she had told me that she did not know her, from which I conclude that she wanted to create an impression in front of the Cambremers. But later on when Albertine is living with me I remember Gilberte saying to me "her niece Albertine who was wicked".

Françoise it's well known that he's an English.


M. de Norpois he's thrown down the gauntlet to him
the manager at Balbec: he is very easily grateful [reconnaissant] (for recognizable [reconnaissable]) with his little moustache cut the American way [?]
dictatorship [dictature] for the act of dictation. (perhaps Françoise might say this about my books)
deceived [déçu] for decayed [déchu]
Relations between the two countries are extremely tangential [tangentes] for strained [tendues]
Françoise: as they say where I come from he looked for work and prayed to God not to find it.
Françoise says of Albertine I can hear her performing her somersaults
Mme Cottard: I need to have an understanding with Mme Verdurin so that we hurry the day
I'm tied up til Tuesday. After Tuesday I'm free apart from Saturday

[margin] We wager
it is losing its cuddliness there [?]
I beg that nobody cries scandal you can treat me as a dunce if you wish


The manager at Balbec
I'm afraid that the heat doesn't come through the fixtures [fixures] in the wall. (For cracks [fissures])
I've got some excellent donkeys [bourriques] of old wine in the cellar. (for barrels [barriques])


Most Capital
   Somebody came to wake me up; it as easy to be awoken from natural sleep as from sleep brought on by hypnosis or by chloroform. Roused by the sounds of my toilet door, a few minutes before anybody came into my room, thoughts from my dreams rose to the surface from the depths of my sleep, in a vertical whirlpool, and were dispersed to the surface of my consciousness where the thoughts of the previous day took their place so immediately that in the moment that Françoise told me "Monsieur is asleep", retroactively and brusquely sweeping away my recent dreams that had been brought to my mind, with the best faith in the world I replied: "No, Françoise, I've been awake for some time."

[margin] this column has nothing to do with the page but might have
Manager from Balbec No, not at all, you haven't offended me by saying that you have been woken up. If I gave that impression in any way, it isn't anger it's astonishedness [étonation]

33r - 35r

Françoise will say about Albertine She's the one who gives the orders here mark my words, with that air of imposition

In volume XX and the last one and while the music is being played
(I should have said before that the Duchesse de Guermantes had a feather in her hair, a hair style usually reserved for the evening but at the Guermantes' it was worn during the day, at the big receptions, even if they took place within the family, in former times the Princesse de Guermantes wore such a feather in a turban so as to resemble Mme de Staël to whom she was vaguely related through the Broglies. The Duchesse wore it with no other ornament as a token of her aristocracy and at the same time she was, as was said among the people, dressed up to the nines and in such a noble family an ostrich feather in a shade of violet was sufficient to demonstrate her elegance. While the music is being played I will say: The Duchesse really has aged, there is nothing left of her beauty but an empty shell; for some years during the music she no longer appeared to be anything but an epileptic cutlet with all the flesh eaten away. Now sufficiently absorbed by her old age she took no pleasure in listening, all her musical sensibility had taken shelter in her violet tinted ostrich feather which swung from left to right, in a knowing way, but taking no more account of the fact that any human agency had ceased to participate it its movement than an automobile that continues to move forward even though its driver has fallen asleep or has been killed by a bullet. Such autonomy taking the function of a metronome hidden from view by the coverings judged the most precious, become an instrument of beauty, and besides, never having been the apt instrument in the musical sense of the word because it never beat time correctly, balancing above the Duchesse's head stood the single, haughty and curling feather.

36r - 37r

   Bloch presented me to his father. I could not recognize him. But however marked his age was in his features it was even more so in the suppression of his familiarity, the breaking of any links to the past. I was expecting the same words that he usually said to me: What a pleasure to see you again, how are you, are you still going to Balbec, do you remember how you used to keep your shutters closed all morning and how that swine of a director would deny us the concerts on the beach out of respect for your sleep. (And in truth once or twice the potentate[?] director had put up a large sign which obliged the musicians and the public to leave just before the concert had started). But even though M. Bloch senior recognized me perfectly well and could remember all this he made no mention of it, because he had become a different person and was immersed in the all encompassing life of his old age (it was said that he was over eighty years old). To add to my astonishment, after shaking my hand almost as though with a stranger, all he could say to me was: "The programme is beautiful isn't it, how well they play, and what a magnificent concert hall, it really is princely." About the fact that he had not seen me in thirty years not a word passed his lips. He had ceased even to be surprised by it.


[margin] for example the day the apple trees were in blossom

   The Manager at Balbec
   "You ought to stay in the Hotel today, you could catch cold outside, there's a fearful wind! In any case you won't be bored, there's a gala at the casino with extraordinary conjurors. The leader of their group has been to speak to me just now, we've agreed on the turns they are going to put on, it's going to be stupendous." As a matter of fact there was a wind but nothing really to fear (what the manager called fearful)
   You who have the incapacity you ought to get hold of...
   All this is through lack of inactivity (instead of saying through inactivity).
   All that puts us under the dome of the English for years to come.

39r - 41r

   When M. de Charlus told me that we have won the war but that we will not win the peace, I spoke to him about the noble intervention by the Prince de Parme that had been revealed. I thought it would please him. It turned out quite the opposite. "My unfortunate nephew Sixte: he has destroyed his country, he has destroyed France because you know that all this is not yet over, he has destroyed Europe because the Yellow Hordes will be coming over. You see I was right all along, my other nephew, your friend, Robert de Saint-Loup thought that we were not sufficiently generous towards Italy and every day she shows herself greedier and greedier until she bursts just like the frog in the fable. But then again didn't he have his own logic, he was against Tradition, he thought the Papacy could be brought down, that Britain would leave Italy to rule over the Mediterranean. Look at the Fiume affair. But Sixte and Xavier were to a certain extent instilled with tradition. So the unfortunates made the best of their country, of ours, of the whole world. I've told Sixte ten times over: If you want to get anywhere the only two men you must avoid talking to are Lloyd George and Clémenceau. It's the king of England you must write to, but then again don't write to him directly. Send your letter to Lord Landsdowne. If not you will see what appalling consequences will come about. Well they have come about, alas, and continue to do so. The Marquis de Castellane, who in my opinion is the great diplomatic mind of our era, the most useful of men, in the highest sense of the word and would have been made the least use of, liked to repeat those words of his great uncle the Prince de Talleyrand. "For Europe to prevail, France and Britain must be united just like horse and horseman. Only France must guard against being the horse." And Castellane would add, I always thought that France had forgotten Talleyrand's precept, and that she had been the horse, or even worse, the donkey."
   Before that Jupien had told me that he must rest because he had to leave for Prague to see the young Austrian Emperor who had requested his advice.


[margin] Or even place this when I was to write a book, in Volume XIX or XX

   Most Capital 
   When I have written the article for the Figaro that I think ought to be printed after my death:
Strange condition where a man is obliged to exist on two levels where each of them actually cancels out the reality of the other.

42r - 43r

   I was pleased that the Guermantes, society and the society of writers who had up until now looked upon me as a nobody now considered me a superior man, that the Légion d'honneur that would soon be adorning my button hole giving the Manager at Balbec, giving Aimé, a lofty idea of me. But relative to death, to the nothingness that follows it, what could the esteem of the Duchesse de Guermantes do to someone who through anticipation of the idea was no longer anything, for whom these flattering considerations were cultivated, having already had it clear in her mind that they were addressed to Nobody, and that they were Nothing? Was it not that in that way I was living in a contradiction just as shocking as the one that shocked me in the case of Bergotte when, both at the same time, I saw that he did not believe in the reality of the external world and sought out the Academy. But if on the other hand I was to live only in the afterlife, in the impersonal Absolute, was it not necessary to return straight away to the other plane, that in which I might be thought guilty of being impolite towards Bloch and not replying punctually to Madame Marsantes, because some years previously she had lost a son who had been my friend. Such is the strange condition assigned to the man, and above all to the artist, of existing on two planes at the same time and with no possibility of happiness, because each of the two is objectivized by turns, and in fact cancels out at the same stroke the reality of the other.

[margin] Capital. I was looking in the Figaro in all [illegible] ways to see if some unknown person might not miss seeing my article and through excessive particularity [?] it seemed to me that it was the only thing that one's attention might pass over.

   For the literati
strange that
is it not strange that

   The Manager at Balbec
You are the best of customers, the idealistic customer (for ideal)

[margin] Françoise. And then Alsace Lorrain what is the one to do when the other one is conquered


For Le Côté de Guermantes
Most capital when I talking about sounds and deafness.
Sometimes the noise of the fire such as it was at that moment in the room, is not heard by an invalid who who has had his ears hermetically sealed.

Most capital for Sodome et Gomorrhe I.
   When I saw her on the beach I certainly did not feel the same anguish as I did when the lift boy had gone to look for her and I was waiting for her.  I did not even feel the same pain as I would have had she been over familiar with a man or a woman. But hers showed an excess of coldness and insignificance that seemed

45r - 46r

[margin] All this is for when Albertine is staying with me

in a rush, I could not prevent myself from thinking that she was going to rejoin somebody. Perhaps my assumptions were false but they gave me a merciless interpretation of the words she had spoken to me one day with a sly but serious look: "As for me, when I like a person it is precisely that person that I am coldest to in front of everybody else" and she added with a look of sly pride that irritated me all the more by the tone of defiance she assumed. She even seemed ashamed[?] of including me with her friends, then with the derided ones: "Also Gisèle and the others have often tried to find these things out, nobody can be certain whether I like somebody or not. They can have their doubts, try to find things out, poke their noses in, nobody can prove anything." And because she was talking about proof it must have meant that the people that she "liked" had had less innocent dealings with her than the simple friendliness that she claimed.

[margin] All of this equally for when Albertine is staying with me.

The foolishness that was present in her pride, the irritating satisfaction that she took in duping others among whom, without naming me, she evidently included me did not prevent such things as she said from making her more seductive. Because Albertine's beauty was now made up of the kisses that I imagined she had received, her value the multiplicity of desires she excited, the assignations that she had had; what I loved in her was the love that she inspired and gave to others and which she hid from me. From now on her present beauty was in the whole absent and diverse life that I was seeking out, nothing could be expected of her, at least I let go my hold on her slender body that had participated in all the choices that I did not know which was a mute witness that I guarded jealously so as to interrogate it without it being able to reply. Her beauty was like the tiniest point of light upon which depends, like the moving shadows depend on the lamp in a magic lantern, the immensity of my jealousy. Her beauty was made of all the unknown in which I was groping with no guide to follow, her beauty was

47r - 48r

Most capital For Le Côté Sodome et Gomorrhe I or II
   Françoise found it out that the first president had died (that M. Nissim Bernard had died). She had only seen him once, a very long time ago and he had been so repugnant to her that she often spoke about him but only to speak ill of him. Nevertheless she announced his death to us in a faltering voice, frequently interrupted by sobs, because it had "done something to her", as they said in Combray. Before long she broke down in tears. I smiled, perhaps it was wrong of me. It is possible that women, young maidens and elderly women of the people, and particularly of the people who stick close together and work around St André des Champs without having any conception that their portraits are open to view in stone medallions on the lintels of the church, know the truth better than us and have better preserved the profound idea of death, those who have been struck by death, and which quite naturally makes these young maidens and old women into a cortège of weeping mourners. She was disconsolate simply that we were not at Balbec at the time of his death, because then perhaps we would have charged her with going to find out the news and so would have had the desired opportunity to spy on the death bed and exchange tearful condolences with the servants

   For Cahier XX about my book.
Shrinking from thinking about others and talking about myself, I wanted in one word to refute the aesthetic doctrines that might have condemned my book. But they change so frequently - in literature just as in painting and music - and as I write the newcomers of the day before were already the outmoded of tomorrow, and their ideas along with them, so I renounced having to follow the changes in their rapidity that was as great as their madness.

49r - 53r

   Capital in Le Côté de Guermantes before the conversation between M. de Norpois and the Prince.
The Prince says to himself I haven't selected the right key. It is a form of reasoning tof which M. de Norpois, shaped in the same school, would have been capable. Because if diplomats admire a word pronounced by a sovereign during a toast in a slightly infantile way, and into which they imagine a whole universe, this infantilism has its counterpart. They know that all fine feelings, all noble speeches, all supplications count for nothing, and that the truth, the determinant lies elsewhere, in the possibility that the adversary, if he is strong enough, has or has not a desire to satisfy. This order of truth, which excludes a completely disinterested person, such as my grandmother, was something that M. de Norpois in his more tragic periods had often grappled with. Being an envoy to countries with whom we were on the brink of war, he knew that it was not the word peace or the word war that would be said to him, but something quite different, banal in appearance that actually meant war, which through this diplomatic code he would be able to distinguish immediately, and to which, in order to safeguard the dignity of France, he would respond with another apparently banal word and which would mean war. And the dialogue in which destiny delivered these words, had usually taken place not in the minister's office, but on a bench during a walk where it had been agreed that they go together to take a glass of water at a thermal spring, a walk that each of the two interlocutors knew to be as tragic beneath its outwardly benign appearance as an order for mobilization. The Prince had played this same game and in a private affair, just like a presentation before the institute, he used the same system of inference, of lecturing across diverse superimposed symbols. Certainly my grandmother had not been alone in not knowing anything about this kind of calculated behavior. One part of ordinary humanity existed in walks of life that had been set out for them in advance, was united in its lack of intent with the sublimity possessed by my grandmother. It is often necessary to descend down to people who are kept, men or women, down to street ruffians, to seek the changeability of behavior or the most innocent words, in the interests and the necessities of staying alive. But as for the Prince and M. de Norpois, even if those street ruffians were unknown to them, had accustomed themselves to acting on the national level, nations which too are, despite their greatness, creatures of selfishness and guile, that can only be subjugated by force, acting on behalf what is in their interest and for which they will go as far as murder, a murder that is just as symbolic as everything else, because any hesitation or denial before it could mean assassination! But as that is never said, books never opened [?], the people are voluntarily pacifist, or if they are warlike it is instinctive on account of hatred, of grudges, not through reasons that have been decided upon by heads of state on the advice of their diplomats.

Make Sherbatof Mme Edwards
taxi with Aimé, who sees what I have given,
Café des Sports, Santois and M. de Charlus
Jupien's daughter


all slapdash
the devil and all his train
(his train as in his Empire and his Dominions) (she says this about Albertine).

The Manager at Balbec talking about the lift attendant he's too giddy, at eighteen years old you're no longer a child, he should have more weight in his sails (for in his head). It's the primitive quality (for the premier quality)
talking about Aimée he's too ancient (he pronounces it tros ancient for the house). That makes a contraxt. I told them so.


Frosty letter of condolence from Saint-Loup
Old Bloch no longer likes to be invited along with his son because they know all the same stories
Santois spotted Jupien's daughter coming to my house. The fiction that follows
Uncertainties about others, about oneself, about Albertine
The marriages declined by Mlle Forcheville for the Duc de Guermantes = effective liaison
by refusing possession, kisses.


M. de Guermantes it's a phantasmagoria

56r - 57r

[margin] Mme Antoine and Mme Tyskievitch she's dressed like a little girl

[margin] because the Baron considered himself - quite wrongly to tell the truth - to be partly responsible in the deception of Jupien's niece.

[margin] Burning smell rising up to my balcony = Yturri, what seems to please delights

After the scandal concerning M. de Charlus at the Verdurin's.
This damage was, in parenthesis, a consequence:
Conforming to an intention that he had then spoken of for a long time, but which his fear of displeasing Morel, who was very angry at the waistcoat-maker, which had prevented him from putting into practice, M. de Charlus adopted Jupien's daughter. She took the name of Mlle d'Oloron (avoid Vermandois on account of Pierre de Polignac), a name that would have rightly been taken by M. de Charlus' daughter, had he had one. (It should be perhaps at the Verdurin's at Raspelière that he says that he is Marquis d'Oloron, and perhaps rather Duc d'Agrigente than Prince d'Agrigente) (as for Tarente). Yet she shows herself to be perfectly worthy of such an adoption. My grandmother had not been mistaken in her judgement when she found Jupien's daughter to be most distinguished. And through her relations with M. de Charlus she assimilated some knowledge of literature, painting and music, which was astonishing. (Because when my mother considered what my grandmother had thought about Mlle d'Oloron's marriage, she said that on account of the different social orders in Combray she had been dumbfounded, but also in the end she had found it all faultless, as the young girl was charming and discerning, much more so than M. de Guermantes.

[margin] I put this last phrase in its place in cahier XV.

57r - 58r

Visits at Mlle d'Oloron's betrothal like Mlle Radziwill (Doudeauville) at Mme Legrand's. But she made it appear that she had not undersood. In any case she had the upper hand, (Mme de Polignac initially snubbed [?] by Mme Legrand) because she held all the cards in her hand, the trumps. The Faubourg always waits to see "how things turn out" when it ought to be fully understood that "On the side of money is all the power" and also through a grand title.
   M. de Charlus had even had it better applied to himself but preferred [illegible] fine nobility of the poorer [?] provinces (La Ferté Marne) she created a position for herself rather than lose her husband's.
Perhaps rather have these visits for Gilberte?

Among the remarks that Cottard finds ridiculous has no interest in like the forty year old always giving out that he is thirty one [?], he let slip an obscene figure in a low voice to Brichot


The Duc de Guermantes
to blunder. Picture!
don't give us that humbug
The lift attendant, I have a brother who is married to a woman of the highest social standing, besides which she plays the piano for example, and speaks English and even a bit of Spanish you know the sort, Madame has her chambermaid with her. She's a bit fierce, but there it is.


[dictated to Henri Rochat]
For Le Côté de Guermantes.
Françoise (talking about a dish) it's esquisite (for exquisite).
they certainly have their wander lust.
[margin] le manager at Balbec
He was at Monte Carlos and I think he lost at Caravan [Roulotte] (for roulette)

The Manager at Balbec
Oh! that's of no importance I only stayed for an infinite time (for infinitesimal), a few seconds
That could make them blow up the lentils with them (for lintels)

61r - 62r

[Draft letter to Pierre de Polignac, Prince de Monaco, dictated to Henri Rochat, Feb 1920. Translated in Selected Letters v4 p.127.]

63r - 66r

Capital for Sodome et G. I
Mme Verdurin to M. de Charlus: "The Jockey, that's a gathering of idiots. Oh! I beg your pardon, I shouldn't have said that, I always forget that you're one of them. And nobody could be one of them more than you are.

The Prince de Guermantes was staying close to Balbec and had been introduced to Mme Verdurin. The Mistress, planning one of her "Wednesdays", asked Ski: "The Prince de Guermantes and Charlus, would that work?"
"Good Lord, my dear Mistress, it's always difficult enough to know. For one of them."
"But one of them isn't enough. I'm asking you if both of them together would work?"
"Ah! that's even more difficult to know."
Elsewhere in the same volume where Mme Verdurin is talking about organizing a charity performance in honour of Wagner questions the Baron: "M. de Charlus, do you go along with Wagner. No? you don't go along with him? Well then, Charlie, surely he must. So it's agreed, you both are. Charlie doesn't agree? He must. And if he doesn't you'll have to make him. He can play solo violin and you can put out the chairs."
At the start of her stay at La Raspelière she likes M. de Charlus very much. She thinks he talks well and shines in the little clan. She does not yet think that he talks too much and holds back of the rest of her faithful with his brilliance. She had never had a guest quite like him at one of her Wednesdays. She told him about the party that she was going to give: "But you'll be there of course! You ought to have the presidency of my Wednesdays. Except I'm not giving it to you because it has always been agreed that that is reserved for my husband who is king here. But when I'm absent you could preside with him, he will be king, and you queen."
For this same singing entertainment.
"You'll need a whole formation of young sailors. But they don't need to carry on dancing about like carp. But they have to move around a bit. I can't do everything myself. Charlus who often goes to the coast could quite well attend to it. Baron?"
"Don't you know how to get these young sailors moving."
"Me? Yes. If they aren't already moving."

At the point where I say that M. de Charlus never doubted his reputation with the Verdurins, add (capital): In any case, the unfortunate expressions used by Mme Verdurin when she was talking to the Baron did not indicate that she knew anything about him. If she said anything inopportune in front of the Baron, it was in complete innocence. Had she known that certain expressions were slang usages for a certain way of life, she would have avoided them. Because she was still far from the point when she found Charlus too Chateaubriand. "Chateau too briand" Saniette spat out over his glass, while Cottard more audaciously excited laughter by crying out: "Chateaubriand and potatoes."

67r - 68r

[dictated to Henri Rochat]
Nota Bene - (from placard 10 of Le Côté de Guermantes - (after the calculations are rigorously exact)
The example that I will use regarding this in the war in 1916 will be Falkenhayn's manoeuvre over Craiova, see Bidou, Débats of 23 and 24 November 1916 to be re-read thoroughly. Elsewhere before the war Saint-Loup compares Lule Burgas with Ulm to me; at the start of the war Charleroi with Ulm. In the end as regards the original principles he thinks they have been changed by the Transvaal war and the Manchurian war (and the Balkan war?). I shall show his wife that he is partially mistaken.
General (about la Croix perhaps). But some truth in it however (Pétain: it is the war before the war). (Falkenhayn's feint - movement by the Prenovember [?] in the direction of Campolung deception even after the attack even to Bidou who on the 23rd calls this manoeuvre a failure which he discovers a feint the following day 24 November 1916). The breakthrough by the centre at Rivoli is what Kluck attempted at the battle of the Marne, see in the "Débats" of 1st or 2nd February 1917. The conference by Bidou, and better still the conference.

Manager: the whip [cravache] of the commander of the Légion d'honneur (for the neck ribbon) [cravate]

[margin] Bring forth on a silver tray like the head of Jonathan.


Support [?]
Cross out
The almost identical patois of Françoise and her niece from Méseglise, so similar and yet, slightly different just as the countryside is not exactly the same. After the descent into Combray the speech is softer, as the willows [?] become more frequent. There was a little area of the country far distant from there where they spoke just the same patois as at Combray. Françoise friend of the cook who spoke it.


Françoise about Albertine
Poor simpleton! she thinks she is making herself deserving by that air of imposition, she thinks it makes her look intelligent. Intelligent! that is just as forbidden to her, as they say where I come from, as the Lord's Prayer to donkeys.
Françoise malicious (Mme Antoine Tyskievitch) at ten paces when her back is turned, just look at her still dressing like a little girl, which gives her airs when it's only too clear to be seen, she knew how to lay it on and be ready for sea [?]: pétroleuses and the revolution, the Daughter [?] of the Revolution is that of the Ancien Régime. the people always have a time when they have "no pity".
a trifler a sort of lorette (for courtesan, coquette)

M. de Guermantes the feats of my nephew


Brichot Dame Nature
one of the devotees of Holy Geometry

Françoise cocoa tree [cocotier] for an egg seller [coquetier]
To do:
The three charming ladies
done The mimicking Greek psychic [?]
The immortality of the creature whom one does not possess deduced from the forgetting of Albertine
Obscurity allows the immediate

71r - 74r

The three charming ladies
1st to be placed (Most capital in Sodome et Gomorrhe I)
At that time a rather strange phenomenon occurred which only deserves mention because it turns up again at all the important periods in the story. Friends of the Duc de Guermantes knew that quite indifferent to start with he had become a passionate anti-Dreyfusard. They were most surprised on his return from a season he had spent at Barèges when they was talking to them about Dreyfus to hear him reply "Well his trial will be overturned and he'll be acquitted, you can't condemn a man when there's nothing against him. Have you ever seen a general who takes the biscuit for talking so much about a revision for the famous Dreyfus" he had been utterly stupefied to hear the Princesse and his sisters-in-law saying: "It's never been so close. You can't keep a man in prison who hasn't done anything." "Eh? Eh? Eh?" the Duc stammered at first, as if at the discovery of a bizarre nickname that was used in that particular household to deride somebody who up until then he had thought intelligent. But after a few days through cowardice and a disposition for imitation we too cry out "Hey Jo-jotte", without knowing why a great artist who we have only seen in this house should only be referred to in this way, the Duc still feeling irritated by the new habit said however: "But really though, if there is nothing against him." The three charming ladies thought that he wasn't moving quickly enough and bullied him a little: "But in the end nobody with any intelligence could have possibly thought that there was anything against him." Every time that anyone was  "too harsh" against Dreyfus the same thing happened and when the Duc thought that that was going to bring over the three charming ladies he came to entice them, they laughed out loud and with fine dialectical logic they easily demonstrated to him that the argument was worthless and ridiculous. "Eh? Eh?" The Duc had returned to Paris a rabid Dreyfusard. And certainly we are not claiming that the three charming ladies were anything less, in this instance, than messengers of the truth. But it is noticeable that every ten years when one has left a man full of sincere convictions, all it needs is that an intelligent Comte[?] or a charming lady enter into his society for him to appear quite changed after a few months. And on this point there are many countries that behave just like the sincere gentleman, many countries that we have left full of hatred for one people, full of good-will towards another and towards whom in six months time we have changed our opinion and reversed our alliances.

I've done the 2nd and put it in Cahier XVIII (in the first pages of Cahier XVIII, if not the very first then at least all those when I'm talking to Charlus.

Penboch Guern


For the Charlus marriage
All the same if they have a child old mother Jupien's blood will be amazed to be met with that of the Duc de Berri in the same veins, laughed the Duchesse de Guermantes who never imagined that Universal History is made out of these happy confluences.

Louis XIV candlestick
Gentlemen's headwear at Marly
Dummy whist
Grumblings by the ones that have not been asked for the candlestick
I don't know him, I don't know who he is. He's a man I've never set eyes on.
Not going to Marly in passing when going to Versailles

furious about the pheasants politene to return the pheasants [?]


Capital at Balbec (Sodome et Gomorrhe II)
Mme Cottard often said no, next week I'm "taken", which caused a little consternation and her outward appearance of astonishment. But by "taken" she merely meant to say that she would not be "free", that she had "promised" her evening to a friend.

M. de Norpois last conversation
Nobody imagines what can ever be attributed to the discredited government of Germany Serbia Holland, receiving for its virile part, a portion of Austrian Magyar Turk Ottoman heritage.

So what made Charles wait [Charles attend] (Charlatan)
she did not understand that it was too much.

I had slept for so long that I had as much difficulty opening my eyes as if they were two clasps on a box that has been closed for a long time and which are rusted.

[margin] Françoise's daughter or Albertine

75r - 80r

Manager at Balbec or Françoise
clarified cupping-glasses

Most capital for the 1st part of Le Côté de Guermantes the last proofs of which are going to be sent back to me.
It is the moment after coming out of the theatre after Saint-Loup has administered a slap.
We walked out. I was walking behind with Rachel (perhaps she has already quarrelled with Saint-Loup, then it would be better if I was waiting a few steps behind[)] at my favourite corner of the Champs-Élysées  where in the past I used to see Gilberte. I wanted to catch up with Saint-Loup and I saw a shabbily dressed man talking intimately with him, I assumed that he was a personal friend of Saint-Loup's, yet they seemed to draw closer to each other again when all of a sudden, like a stellar phenomenon bursting in the heavens, I saw ovoid bodies take up with vertiginous rapidity all the positions that might compose an unstable play of skill in front of Saint-Loup.
[margin] constellation formed by his simultaneously multiplied fists.
These bodies, just like stones flung from a sling and which seemed to me to number between seven and ten, were simply Saint-Loup's two fists occupying successively all the differing positions in this ideal and decorative ensemble, not through any care for beauty but in the direction of the nose, the chin and the cheeks of the shabbily dressed man; because this multiple, divergent, kaleidoscopic hail of fists had no aesthetic intention but rather one of aggression, and being hardly aware of the half demolished countenance of the poorly dressed man who was bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth and who no longer seemed to possess a jawbone. This loss of blood moreover was his only reaction because he withdrew with one slow and dejected step. If Saint-Loup, who had received nothing in exchange, was not furious then he certainly was a moment later when he rejoined me, and his eyes were glowing with rage. I thought that the slow moving escapee was one of the men from the theatre and perhaps even the one who had been slapped. Not at all, he was a passer-by who upon seeing the handsome military man that was Saint-Loup had made a "proposition" to him. Saint-Loup could not get over the increasing audacity of that group of people who did not even wait for the shadows of night time to take their chances. He said it with the same indignation as the newspapers that report an armed robbery in broad daylight, in a central quarter of Paris. Yet thinking about it the beaten man could be excused inasmuch as when a downward slope quickly brings the desire for pleasure, so that beauty appears already to imply consent. Now Saint-Loup was beautiful. Blows of the fists such as his have this value for an aggressive man like the one who he had attacked in that they force him to reflect though never long enough for him to mend his ways. And so, even though Saint-Loup had given out his punishment without any thought, it might come to assist the law but without ever bringing any uniformity in morals.
   But so many incidents and doubtless the one he thought about most, his quarrel with Rachel, had unnerved Saint-Loup, he begged me a moment later that we separate, promising to meet up with me again at Mme Villeparisis' where we agreed that I would go directly.

80r - 81r

Equally most capital
for spiritualist photographs: And even in a general way do we not have the impression - make more striking by the insignificance of their words - that we live in the midst of a humanity that is easily evoked, where even men of genius, similar in this to those from the past whose spirits these mediums evoke, tell us at the moment when we are waiting for them to give us the secret of the infinite: "That we take good care of my top hat".

81r - 82r

M. de Norpois frivolities
Regions of sleep: that valerian effaces etc, near the small convent where we hear the lessons being repeated that we have learned before falling asleep and that we will only know on waking; whereas in a closed bedroom we hear the tick-tock of the interior morning alarm-clock that  has been set through our anxiety to the hour when we must get up, to the extent that the morning alarm of our housekeeper will be unnecessary and when she comes to tell us it is eight seven o'clock, she will find us up already; the dark walls on which hang the memories of our dreams wrapped in darkness that we often hardly notice until the middle of the afternoon when the sunlight of our reminiscence strikes them with one of its rays; but some of them already so harmoniously clear upon waking, but already become so unrecognizable that not having recognized them all we can do is to hurry to lay them back in the earth like the too quickly decomposed dead, objects crumbling to dust from which the most skilled restorer is able bring back nothing.

[margin] forgetfulness that heals the griefs of love, forgetfulness so active, so zealous in its task, the active effort of forgetfulness that a nightmare sometimes comes and interrupts, undoes but which is very quickly begun again.


Most capital for Sodome et Gomorrhe
(Albertine) With regards to

83r - 84r

before this sleep into which I had fallen as though into a hole from which one is very pleased to pulled later, heavy from having been overfed whilst one slept by all the agile activities actions vegetative powers that have merely redoubled their activity whilst one was sleeping.

my grandmother at the foot of the staircase "that is worthy" of Mme de Sévigné.

for noise put the tasks that the workmen had begun by banging with their hammers above our heads on another day
as my old housemaid said
her hag of a mother, that we are all in agreement are we not in calling her old carrion of a mother
M. de Charlus squeezed my arm very tightly telling me: That would be very well done, eh, don't you think.
For we others who like exotic spectacles we'd like to slap some old cow with all our might. I remembered that in his family they quoted many touching examples of M. de Charlus' kindness and for his old nurse-maid whose Molièresque patois he quoted, and I thought to myself that the connexions, up until now little studied, it seemed to me, between kindness and malice in the same person's heart, would be very interesting to establish.

Don't forget the barber to whom Saint-Loup owes his leave.
milk soups and salt
I had no difficulty  in understanding how at Balbec my grandmother Mme de Villeparisis was so well informed about the trip my father was taking in Spain with M. de Norpois. The ambassador was the old lover of the Marquise.


Most Capital for the proofs of Le Côté de Guermantes part 1 that Tronche is going to return to me, after the alarm-clock (check the spelling) at least that sleep itself more powerful had not stopped the alarm clock, made time stand still

[margin] after the first few onsets of awakening that are more dreams of the abortive onset of awakening, the deepest sleep has not taken it upon itself to stop completely the clock that has started up again; then the time is veiled [?]. We can no longer calculate the time on awakening.

And a little further on in the same episode and up to that brilliant star which at the moment of awakening illuminates behind the sleeper his entire period of sleep, makes him believe for a few seconds that it was insomnia; a shooting star indeed that soon disappears and enables the one to whom it comes to wake up properly, to finally say to himself: I have been asleep.

86r - 87r

for M. de Norpois The Sublime Doorway, the United Kingdom we are in the presence of a people who have made up their minds to let themselves make sport of us
Enver Pasha's creatures
the defeatists disguised as nationalists (or rather this for Brichot)
from that time onwards, look well upon,

subject to a humiliation
after the customary protestations.
bring down Germany (or socialism etc.) or she (Germany) hopes to bring us down
put the plebiscitary crowd to rights

Don't forget the new proofs for the 1st Guermantes Mme Sazerat Dreyfusard, my grandfather anti, hailing the colonel

for Norpois to sap [not Proust's handwriting] you have to pursue them with a sword to the kidneys
show the glint of the sword
[not Proust's handwriting] Françoise cocoa tree [cocotier] for an egg seller [coquetier]


[not Proust's handwriting] M. de Norpois
heap indignities upon them with impunity
I don't know what vassalage [?]


M. de Norpois one might with difficulty
recanted blood
the shrewd Comice [?], the shrewd Porel (only in a determinative sense, is it really determinative, in the end it doesn't have the sense of an epithet. This determinative principle exists in Greek.

Françoise's fleeting disappearances that intrigued me. It was to meet up again with a dressmaker who had made her niece come to make a dress for her out of crêpe because along with most women all this leads to the question of trying things on.
Invited Jupien under the [illegible] pretext of telling him about the funeral


Mme Cottard's extraordinary servants
After what they said [illegible] "Good masters make good servants."

Try to include the adjective surreptitious in the last proofs of Côté de Germantes I on the page about sounds
(I'm thinking about that powder that burns without warning us by its noise

M. de Norpois high flying adventurer
local petty tyrants
(as far as possible not one or the other)

90r - 93r

Most Capital for Sodome et Gomorrhe I
   Finally I arrived at the mansion of the Guermantes. The reception rooms were occupied by a primitive race, more ancient and consequently more noble than the Guermantes themselves and their guests, they were occupied by motionless divinities of the foyer, their majestic, mysterious servants. The Prince's footmen, who were from a more recent era passed silently through the doorways, without brushing against any of the guests. The most ancient of them remained standing, steely eyed, without moving. Every one of them belonged to a race as little understood as the Etruscans. Sublime flurries passing across his mysterious cast of mind, (incapable of prolonged reflection, fixed upon the art of restraint, upon occult divinations). His superstitions rendering his benevolence more beautiful still, when one thinks of the profound contempt - so far as to make him seem capable of anything - that his valet had for his master, who if his master fell ill would watch over him night and day with greater devotion than a friend or a brother. This abnegation being more touching still than that of the atheist because it does not rest on mere unbelief, but on the belief in vices and crimes to which it devotes itself, giving no explanation, perhaps unknown even to those who practise it, in the augural colleges assembled for the office and where the deeds of their masters are distorted and slandered in improbably odd conceptions, (shored up daily by false or incorrectly interpreted facts) that remains so impenetrable to the mistress of a house, whose servants, as they take their breakfast, have just reckoned up all the lovers that they ascribe to her, and at the next moment as they come into the drawing-room to ask for orders, if one of the guests says conventionally: "they seem to be very devoted to you", the mistress of the house, a certain Mme Cottard replies in the most naive and comically false way: "Good masters make good servants."
   The Prince and Princesse de Guermantes, good masters, had the most detestable and ostentatious servants. Lined up in front of the reception room on the evenings of their parties, they were practically all enormous and ageing footmen that former excesses of champagne had driven to the necessity of Contrexéville water, and who with their monumental stature and their skin like prehistoric or Mexican pottery, created, between the arcades of the mansion, the most impressive colletion of sculptures that it was possible to see.

For Sodome et Gomorrhe Most Capital
add (in the scene where Albertine having wanted to renounce going to Infreville in order to regain Lost time says to me: "I'll throw myself into the sea, I'm seeing you for the last time) in talking about her add "in a kind of madness lunacy like all the foolishness she put into simulation and cunning - in order to leave sooner

Most capital
add to the trip by motor car with Albertine going to the Verdurin's. The motor car gave me a little of the sensation of those new mathematical theories that Poincaré talks about. Distances were cast to right and left like broken crockery, and the land that was transformed in this way was different too from the land where with much difficulty one could motor in one day from Balbec to Doncières, was also that which might be for example a land over which a straight line would not be the shortest route between one point and another.


Most capital For Guermantes II
çoise would have preferred my grandmother to take more medications. She found that generally they did nothing but upset the stomach. But all the same she found the staging of it a little paltry. She had a niece young cousin in Combray cousins in the Midi - and relatively rich - whose daughter had fallen ill at about twenty and who was dead at twenty three. But in those three years her mother and father ruined themselves over the cost of medications, different doctors, trips from one nursing home to another, up until her death. But to Françoise this seemed like a sort of luxury, as if they had owned race horses or a house in the country. They themselves as distressed as they were drew a certain amount of vanity from so much expense. They had nothing left, and worst of all they had lost their daughter, but they liked to tell everybody that they had done more for her than even the very richest people could have done. Ultraviolet rays, to which they had submitted the unfortunate girl, made them feel particularly flattered. The father was ruined by a dancer from the Opéra from which, in his suffering, he could take no more glory. Françoise loved the staging of it. As for my grandmother's illness, which was no more remarkable than for some poor person, deeply humiliated her. She found it a little paltry.

94r - 96r

For Cahier XX (?)
   La Berma not only thought that Rachel was nothing more than a tart, because that indeed is what she was at the time when La Berma was at her height, and nobody received tarts, but also that she had no talent whatsoever, that she could neither speak her lines nor act, that she did not even possess the first basics. And indeed everything that La Berma had learned from the greatest masters of her time and that she had carried to a prodigious degree which they themselves found astonishing, and where the most skillful effects had the appearance of a simple outburst of naturalness and improvisation, all of this craft added to her genius and of the greater or lesser perfection with which she was accustomed to hear actors make their judgements and to judge them herself, Rachel did not know the first thing about, she belonged to a school, to a period that had shaken all that off. And so it was without jealousy that La Berma could say of Rachel that she did not know what it was to act in a theatre, just as without any feelings of sympathy for him she said on hearing her rival Coquelin the elder: "My goodness that's well performed, it's marvellous." It must not be believed for all that that La Berma must have left only an historical trace, like a model of genius for unnecessary "craft" in XIXth century tragedy. We abandon our worn out principles, we come back, the law of flux and reflux  guides the critics, and all that which in a particular period has built up the glory of Claude Monet and forgotten David, then causes in the subsequent period the resurrection of David and the disparagement of Claude Monet, with no certainty that this disparagement and this resurrection will be definitive or any more ephemeral, but perhaps will continue to alternate.

96r - 98r

Cahier XX
A gentleman, bent over, groaning and delicately convulsed like a weeping willow, sent towards me like falling leaves a look of tenderness and recollection, and gently murmured a few lamentations. I was so absolutely certain that I did not know him that in order to force him to tell me his name I made no attempt to hide the tears in my eyes or my profound astonishment;

[margin] After having with no as a matter of conscience leafed through the illustrated dictionary that is bestowed on us by our memory and being unable to find there any analogous human form that answered to a name that was known to me in the whirlpool of years and places I had lived any analogous human form that answered to a name that was known to me, I resigned myself to forcing this one-sided friend to tell me what he was called, and to not hide the profound astonishment that his greeting had caused me.

he did not appear to take any notice because, indicating to me a dark woman who seemed about to leave, he said sadly, my wife, and added, pointing out a young red-haired boy: my son. I imagined it to be an error on the part of the willow when I heard my name murmured to the woman in the wife and the son's direction with a disconsolate gesture. Unfortunately this unknown person did not have the willow's rootedness to a particular place. By the time I tried to ask his name of friends who may perhaps have been able to inform me he had disappeared. I searched through my memories in vain, I could discover no period of my personal life, even if I performed in my imagination all the mutations accomplished by the passage of time, that could have any physical connection with this plaintive gentleman. And yet he knew me, and what is more he had recognized me. That I could not to do the same, it must be that through the course of one's life one can change so much that there no longer remain any of the primitive elements that might suggest to us some form of identification. Then one has truly become a different person. This man had certainly known me well, judging by the melancholy concern with which he spoke to me and presented me to his family. He had known me, which is to say that the person he had been had known me. But of that particular man nothing remained. And in vain did I try to bring out into the light of day, year by year, place by place, association by association, all these possible images, none of them came to take their place in my search into this impenetrable mystery that was totally new to me, and which had made me think only of a weeping willow.


2nd Guermantes 2nd Sodome
Françoise didn't say messenger [courrier] or messenger girl [courrière] but runner [coursière] (maybe in the 2nd at the end of the 1st Sodome she could say it
As for that one who seems to have so much running about to do he ought to get one of the little lady's helpers as a runner, unless he prefers to use Julien himself as a runner. He'll be better off than in his town hall.

2nd Gomorrhe
The Balbec manager's two brothers were one a waiter in the dining room, the other a dish-washer. But in his pride he preferred to appear not to know this so that nobody could accuse him of handing out privileges or injustices, which everybody advised him to do

99r - 101r

To be put in Cahier VIII probably, when I say that Albertine and myself are able to wash ourselves alongside each other almost, just like friends at the seaside. I need to keep this image comparison for the end of the section and write this.
Sometimes, if she knew that in the darkness of my room with the curtains drawn I was not asleep, she would make some noise as she was bathing. Then it happened that I would go to her bathroom. We know that while in days gone by a theatre director might spend hundreds of thousands of francs so that an actress might have genuine emeralds on her dress, a genuine gold sceptre etc., modern stage managers by means of a simple play of the light have succeeded better in producing for the spectator the translucence of emerald and the glitter of gold, by making different coloured lights play onto worthless glass beads or even onto simple pieces of paper. But even these splendours illusions, already so immaterial, are nothing next to the ones we discover, when we are in the habit of rising at noon, in a bathroom at eight o'clock in the morning. The only true truly exultant stage-effects, the only veritable changes of vision, are those that spring, for example, from a change in our hours, awakening from the very depths of our being an entire series of forgotten memories. In order not to be seen into from outside the windows of Albertine's bathroom were not plain, but patterned and irregular, with an artificial frosting that made curtains unnecessary. How ever little sunlight came in, it was charming to see changing its colour and breaking forth that white double muslin of glass. One would have thought it deep in the full light of day, filled with birdsong, because Albertine was in the habit, which enchanted me, of whistling. Sometimes I decided then and there to get dressed as well so that I could go out with her and the partition that separated our two bathrooms was so thin that we could talk to each other as we got dressed, with that sort of holiday mood intimacy that we have where there are fewer rooms than in Paris, in a hotel at the seaside.

99v & 100r

For M. de Norpois in the last conversation with Mme de Villeparisis. There are occasions when we must not fear exercising the old politics of do ut des [I give that you might give], which our ambassador in London, who isn't lacking in a certain wit the Marquis added sincerely, called the politics of do ut dièze [?].  It is very musical and in fact doesn't it consist of blackmail. Fearing that Mme de Villeparisis had not understood, he added: It is composed of two notes. The point is to find the right note and to stay in tune.

M. de Norpois a wet blanket of a minister
the role of a minister for foreign affairs is always difficult. In any event it cannot be played as is the pretension today, with a raised foot.

101r - 102r

Then near the end of Albertine's stay in my house.
There were mornings when thinking about Albertine I felt towards her an almost exasperated weariness. At that time if she knew that I was not asleep during the night in my room with the curtains drawn, she would take to whistling and singing whilst she was getting washed, her chirping formerly so sweet sounding to me seemed stupid and irritating. When she came through to see me I told her that I hated it when people felt the need to sing when they were carrying out some task or other. I listed out to her all the professions where people did not sing and by contrast I declared to her that after having sought to classify all the most stupid things that I could think of, the prize for silliness it seemed to me had to be awarded to the traditional songs of workmen who come in to paint an apartment. She did not contradict me, but the next time, no doubt not applying this to herself began once again to sing and whistle while she was getting washed.


Play the game of agitator

Foe Sodome II when I am "just like my grandmother my father" with Albertine: Everything that our parents tell us in the morning of our lives are like the lessons that, on our own account, we recite in the evening.

I go along with the Revue (Françoise's daughter perhaps)

[not Proust's handwriting]
M. de Norpois let us not be blinded by parochial considerations
Dubious electioneering tactics
Undesirable to become a bone of contention
The electoral spoils
Our veto

Guermantes II
Small gallop

103r - 104r

For the Manager at Balbec
I found him very changed, he had lost so much weight he was hardly recognizable
In Le Côté de Guermantes
in Balbec when I am thinking about the death of my grandmother.
In the end had I not been more or less unconsciously the cause of her death? Ever since my childhood when she was going on a journey in order to have the rustic novels of George Sand for my birthday, later when I exaggerated my choking fits in front of her, and above all the last day when I had hurried her to go out; coming down the stairs before her because I thought she was lagging behind, had I not precipitated, caused to advance in a fatal way the illness that one might perhaps have been able to moderate. And then I thought about Gilberte who forced her father through her caresses to go into society and introduce her to people when he was already so ill, about Bloch's father to whom a doctor who was in love with his daughter-in-law had persuaded that the fatigues and distractions of the Stock Market would be of nothing but benefit to him, at the period in his life when he had so much need of rest; and thinking about all the poor invalids who I asked myself in the face of this terrible host of our victims if we were not, almost each and every one of us, a great brotherhood of assassins. And who can say if, in our life, we will not have to kill more than once.

104r - 108r

To be put in Sodome et Gomorrhe Evening party at the Princesse Duchesse de Guermantes'. I approached the wife of the minister ambassador of Turkey. I had not however met her very often at the Duchesse de Guermantes' and she was however extremely intelligent and amiable. But she talked about people she had not yet met in a manner that irritated me. Not that she belonged to that group of women new group of women who call say Gisèle Renée, Mathilde when they talk about women they have not yet even been introduced to. That form of poor manners is in any case no more disagreeable than that assumed form of good manners that makes people in society say Monsieur Loti, Monsieur Bergon in almost the same tone as Monsieur Brasseur or Monsieur Paulus, so as to show at one and the same time that they do not know them but that they have the good breeding enough that they could know them, the gentleman in question being both remote and yet an opening. A fair [illegible] between "Babal" and Monsieur Loti is naturally so rare [illegible] by good education. The form the ambassador's wife's vulgarity took was slightly different. Like a schoolboy who only has a few months Admittedly, but in the same way as a schoolboy who only has a few months to prepare for a difficult examination, she did not have time to study everything she ought to. And for the things she did not know she relied  on those who knew others. But she quoted them with no transposition, without dreaming that what was natural from the mouth [from the mouth sic] of a friend or a relation of that person, was not at all from her own. For example the Duchesse de Guermantes, with the naivety of the people of the Faubourg St Germain, had told her a story that reputedly explained the success of M. de Bréauté and another that recounted one of M. de Charlus' eccentricities. As it happened the Turkish ambassador's wife knew neither of those two gentlemen. Nevertheless in an animated voice and with much laughter "Do you know the cause of Babal's success? Well I'll tell you all. Just imagine that Babal.. " etc. and there followed a long  account which was followed by the one about Mémé. One may feel that the Duchesse de Guermantes was somewhat lacking in the way she spoke by using the abbreviations Babal and Mémé. But at least that was how she spoke to them themselves. The ambassador's wife to whom they had never been introduced simply thought that she was telling the story as it should be told, by using the same expressions as the Princesse; she had thought that by saying M. de Bréauté, M. de Charlus, she was committing the same error in terminology that, if, being acquainted with a doctor and knowing what an illness was called, she had given it an incorrect name. I must have heard her tell this improbable story about the Princesse and M. Groult eight times even though she did not know the Princesse de Guermantes.
   And while denying it completely she said: Would you believe that Marie Gilbert... And as some people doubted the authenticity of such a story said: "Your trusted admirers [?]" because even as an elegant foreigner one might confer with a rather vulgar French person, as if one were old French and of humble origins [?] the ambassador's wife who was really a little common would reply to the question "Are you sure?" with the words "sure and certain". The ambassador's wife had always said some unpleasant things about Marie Gilbert. "I tell you she's most unfriendly towards me', she said, "I have a rightful dislike for her." It was because the Princesse de Parme had never yet invited the ambassador's wife that the latter thought that she was making it be believed that this dislike, from an intellectual and moral basis, was the reason she was never seen at the Princesse's. But the Princesse had finally invited the ambassador's wife and from that day on she lost as if by magic not only any need for Marie Gilbert but cultivated with an esteem and a peculiar circumspection, with a "remarkable woman" [??] whom she took great pains to be on friendly terms with [?]. To return to the ambassador's wife's faults they were not in the end so very serious. But in all of our relationships, even in our friendships (except the very greatest ones) our friends' faults are a special kind of poison against which we are "immunized" by an addiction whose effect has suddenly ceased. Then these same people, even our most intimate or disparate friends become intolerable to us for a time. Without complicating matters with over scientific comparisons, by talking about anaphylaxis, let us say that in the bosom of all our friendships there is an hostility that has been overcome but which returns in an intermittent fashion as an attack. It might be said that we suffer less from these poisons in the moments when the persons who unleash them are genuine. Mme de Cambremer The wife of the Turkish ambassador never thought to doubted to what extent she added anything to her charm when she talked about
Mémé and Babal. On the other hand she was generally agreeable when she evoked her childhood on the Bosphorus.


[margin] Add to the end of the section most capital to give some grace to the articulations in the book [?] in spite of her ridiculousness, the wife of the Turkish ambassador was agreeable to know, was necessary to portray one of those performances that might be called diverse evening parties, because she had not been going into fashionable society for very long. The great stars of the past, the old stars of society what use was it to them to appear. Surrounded by satellites, they remained unknown in the darkness. The new hemisphere of Time that had appeared recently meant that the wife of the Turkish ambassador was much more akin to the younger members than Mme Standish. In her was made concrete a whole bustle of snobbishness and parties. She was a false star but at least she shone. The nomenclature of great marvels [?] changes every twenty years. The names of the old ones fell into oblivion, at least they lived on in books. And the new feted [?] discoveries  new amusements in the old game are useful if one wants to play the part and take one's seat in the front row.


[margin] also create a Mme Rebbinder who is bored by everything [?] (this will probably be the Duchesse de Guermantes at the end of the book)


When Elstir Bergotte comes to pay me long visits to get news of my grandmother.
[margin] In connection with this say that Bergotte took little interest in what he was told, nor hardly read [illegible] anything.
Already most of his thoughts had passed from his brain into his books. And at that time his reproductive instinct no longer impelled him to any activity. It was as if he had been operated on for his books and lived the vegetative life of the convalescent. His fine abilities remained immobilized in that kind of vague and contented reverie that we see in women who have just given birth; or all those people who lying down beside the sea watch, with no other thought in their heads, as each small wave takes shape and then expires.
   But quite simply I did not admire him any more. His books that I read frequently were as easy for me to follow as my own thoughts, furniture that had been placed in my own room, carriages passing through as if in the street, indeed everything there could be seen clearly and if not as they had always been seen, at least as they could usually be seen today. But a new writer had begun to publish his books in which the associations between things were on the contrary so different from those that for me almost invincibly connected them, that I could understand absolutely nothing of what he wrote. He said for example: "the sprinklers admired the splendid upkeep of the roads," (and that was straightforward, I followed smoothly along those roads) "that set out from Briand and Claudel." At which point I no longer understood, because I had expected the name of a town, not the name of a person. But I felt that it was not a false relation between things, but a relation that was placed at a height that I was unable to reach because I was not

Continues on the following verso page


as agile or as strong as the new writer. On reading each of his sentences I renewed my efforts, using my feet and hands to reach the point from which I could see as clearly as he the relation between things. Each time I fell back down without having seen; But I understood that if it gave the appearance of not wanting to say anything it was not because the author was bad but that I had less gymnastic strength. And I admired him as might an awkward boy in the presence of another more nimble boy. From then on I admired Bergotte much less, where I could see everything as clearly as in my looking-glass. Which now seemed to me to be insufficient. There was a time when people recognized things quite easily when it was Fromentin who had painted them and could not recognize them at all when it was Renoir. Now people recognize things by Renoir perfectly well and they seem more true than in a Meissonier. This has taken a great deal of effort and it is silly to forget that in order to find this end point so simple, where women in the street appear as Renoirs, they have called Renoir a great eighteenth-century painter. People forget that it took a long time in the nineteenth century for Renoir to be called a great nineteenth-century painter. Taste says eighteenth century, but that is to misunderstand the effort over time, which is life. It was not the incoherence of the new writer's sentences that led me to admire him more than Bergotte, but on the contrary the perfect coherence between the associations that were unknown to me. I perceived this coherence as each sentence began straightforwardly, but I stumbled every time in exactly the same manner, never reaching the heart of it, my strength having deserted me. And not ten times, not a hundred times, but a thousand times, following the course of a thousand sentences where, in

Continues on the following verso page


every single one of them, I always fell down before the end. And this coherence was not the only thing to convince me that it was the strength, not the weakness of the writer that prevented me from following him on that sort of side by side excursion which is reading; sometimes a phrase let slip its meaning, and that meaning was always something droll, something charming, something real, just as it was in Bergotte when I first began to read him, but different, new, delightful. I mused that it was not so many years ago that this remaking of the world had been furnished me by Bergotte himself. And I was led to ask myself if the distinction on which I stood was not a joke piece of silliness which had it that science is in continual progress, whereas literature has not progressed since the time of Homer. It seemed to me now that every new and original writer was making great strides beyond the one that he cast into the shadows. Perhaps, on the other hand, it is like the sciences; and perhaps in ten twenty years, when I shall have come to double the loop as easily

Continues on the following verso page


as the new writer, there might arrive [?] another behind whom the new writer of today will follow at a far distance, just as did, at this very moment, for me, Bergotte. I spoke to Bergotte about this new writer. But for a long time now the master who I had admired so much did not read anything, taking an interest only in his own work. And yet jealousy had prompted him to open one of the new writer's books; because he told me that his art was facile, coarse, and that he had nothing to say. I was even less impressed by his description of the new writer (I had never seen him), who, Bergotte assured me, bore a strong resemblance to Bloch. From then on whenever I read the new writer's books the image of Bloch pursued me, I liked his books less and took fewer pains to try to understand them.


[margin] Following on from the note on the previous page
It is nevertheless an astonishing thing, these metamorphoses of the universe, that in actual fact are quite frequent and without the need to go back to the flood and to the prehistoric era. Each time an original painter comes along he acts in the same way as an oculist, at least in taking care of the eyes. The course of treatment (by the painter) is highly painful, takes some time. After which he removes the bandages and tells us it's done, don't worry, all you have to do is look now. His treatment has worked effectively upon our eyes, and now it is our eyes that work effectively upon the world. In place of what the world might be, as painted so faithfully by the last painters who have gone before, [?] here women have taken on the exact form as in the painting of the artist who has just treated us, we are unable to identify a woman's form. This new woman is iridescent with the colours that we have added to her through madness. Forests are like those that in the pictures of the new painter appear to us as a sort of multicoloured tapestry, without having any idea of what it was.


M. de Norpois In his last conversation with Mme de Villeparisis At no point is there any need to be a prophet to

Norpois: Capital
Certainly I am not considered to be any more timorous than the next man and it is my opinion, as our fathers used to tell us, that the man is closed to dilatory measures, to fruitless coercion, to that wait and see [in English] that today seems decrepit. Enough of such incoherence and tergiversation. That's what everybody says. But is it opportune to take coercive measures at the prevalent moment when a spark is enough to set off the inferno. This is what we must ask ourselves. After all we are in London, are in St Petersburg, we are in London, I fancy that is not to assist with remain silent. Has not the government in this regard given carte blanche to Cambon and to Paléo just like that before passing into legislation a question that it is perhaps fruitless to ask it without high flown phraseology as without excessive discretion. Parliament has in one interpellation said against military force that it is better to bring out the scabbard than to draw the sword or to give a stroke of the ep
ée into the heart [?]. We must not confine ourselves to face saving measures, that would be to expose grave miscalculations.


Concerning the same Turkish ambassadress I need to say

They are cousins (Gautier Vignal talking about Barante Bailby about Monsieurs [?] Manerville)

I should prefer glycerine (It was a Hot, excellent (this ascetic was a doctor)

To add In Guermantes II the Turkish ambassadress spoke with extreme harshness about the Princesse de Guermantes and said in my ear she is stupid. In Sodome II I was surprised to see a deferential affability towards the Princesse about her and she told me: "What an adorable creature." In reality she had always thought that, but all that had changed was that the Princesse had finally invited her for the first time and that would change again evidently would continue now that the door had been forced open. Three quarters of the worst things that are said are in reference to the people we think the best of. There is no need of spurned love or friendship for that, nor of political power that we feel is kept from us. One evening party to which we are not invited, one invitation received, and everything is changed. In the world of society there plays interminably [several illegible words] of the newcomers is a sort by a sort of amorous spite.


For the noises (outwardly the murmur of foliage which are terrible [?] hammer blows) say: About love perhaps - (even add to love the love of life, the love of glory since it is said that there are people who are familiar with those particular sentiments) ought one to act in the same way as those people who, to counteract the noise, rather than making it stop block up their ears and thus instead of unceasingly examining to bring our defensive attention not on the external aspect of the object of our love, transfer our defences in ourselves, transfer to the heart our defences in ourselves to the heart so as not to diminish our sensib  but in ourselves, onto our capacity to suffer from it.


When that sings to us

110r - 114r

When the Princesse de Parme speaks to M. de Charlus on behalf of Mlle d'Oloron add most capital
The name Cambremer was unknown to M. de Charlus outside long before Balbec, whatever might have been thought. The father of the current Marquis and grandfather of the betrothed young man actually had a peevish, almost notorious reputation which had not remained limited to the Avrinchin, especially as his name was frequently mentioned by learned Parisians [?] because he had been president of the society for Norman Studies. (Retrospectively, when Brichot produced his etymologies at the Verdurin's dinner at Raspeli
ère "Monsieur de Cambremer, you would have been of great interest to my father. Besides you ought to Ah! he liked such things more than anything", an imperceptible smile crossed M. de Charlus' face). But the only effect of that was to make it well understood by M. de Charlus that he was from those people whom he did not consider to be from the high aristocracy, but old families dating back to the days of chivalry and about which he said with an appearance of uncertainty: "Yes, I've heard of the name". But a family with good social standing, an ancient family, this is what he wanted for Mlle d'Oloron. He changed preferred to raise the stature of the name himself, establish grand relations between the pair rather than making cause any fruitless scandal and unnecessary publicity about a princely marriage.
   And especially when the marriage has taken place.
   The society chroniclers when they cover the marriage, be it through ignoran Malicious, or simply insinuating and pleading their cause, or more probably ignorant, the society chroniclers when they announce the marriage celebrate first and foremost the universal reputation that had allowed the Marquis de Cambremer, grandfather of the betrothed young man, to shine and in which the Baron de Charlus, adoptive father of the betrothed young woman revelled. Some of the pleasantries among the young people who were familiar with their past histories, brought a smile to these two patriarchs great masters of such a special order, uniting their children. They took it badly because they communicated their thoughts to other young people whose relatives were exactly the same people who were the secret companions in pleasure of the Baron de Charlus and had been also with the Marquis de Cambremer. What was said about these two today could be said about them tomorrow; also a contrary reflux came to rebound on these malicious young persons. "I talked about the Marquis de Cambremer and Baron de Charlus to some people who know them very well however", cried the sons, aspiring sons-in-law etc, "old gentlemen who conceal their way of life behind a soldierly bearing and a military moustache. It appears they have always been quite the opposite of what you said, it is absolutely untrue. In any case how would you know?" The malicious young men could only hold their tongues. They simply imagined that in the closest families there was also the Baron Legrandin at Mes
église, and others too, and that every time an aristocratic marriage takes place, commencing with everything it puts in motion, allied, on the strength of serving as witnesses etc. for those people that Balzac calls "queers", one might suppose that their number is infinitely greater than might suppose those who aspire to become the sons-in-law of one of them and who in any case they are too. Every best man had two mistresses, but Aimé was able to pass a different judgement upon them. If the late Marquis de Cambremer had been able to read the list of male members of the wedding party, he would have been able to rest easy in his tomb upon seeing how much their traditions remained his name was restored and celebrated according to by the people that he had known or that he had chosen, even though in the special tradition that he had embodied they no longer met with the adornment of that fine learning and of those elevated studies whose traces can still be found in the book entitled Norman Customs.


Put this addition either in the Princesse de Guermantes' soirée or even in Sodome et Gomorrhe I)

Yet it is striking that the French aristocracy is out all of them the one that offers the fewest examples of that sort. Without restricting itself to the territory of nobility, such a great country had recruited its embassy staff in Paris in such a way that, if some secretaries had not combined a genuine competence with the same inclinations as M. de Charlus, one might have been led to believe that it was simply on account of these inclinations that had dictated the nomination of each of them. They were seen as not being among the greater number of members of the embassy but as the totality. Because inversion, like the church, is useful for finding wealthy marriage partners, facilitating some marriages and also some divorces.


Mme Swann when I talk to Cottard about her towards the end. She had done well for herself. When he said about her in all seriousness, she no longer says like she used to do: at two sous that makes ten francs. And she rarely said of herself  "Joking apart".

Norpois on the strength of being in government with those connections.
act with guile, dodge

I should be happy to return to Paris and rediscover my gods of the hearth.


M. de Guermantes or Norpois
You give the impression of being completely subjugated

have a grudge against
not being in the saddle
a good for nothing

113v - 116v

Most capital for the second Balbec
I saw Some days afterwards (the young girls she had seen in the mirror) I saw a quite very beautiful woman  come in as if to ask for her note something at the casino. But Albertine was quite a way away from me at that moment. Upon noticing her, the woman's eyes became starry, through a phenomenon much like the one I had occasionally observed between two young people. The young woman, instead of going to make inquiries about  what had been said about her, passed in front of Albertine, her gaze fixed upon her those newly illuminated stars; Albertine, most probably because she knew that I was there, made it appear that she had not seen her, and yet she could not have helped seeing her. Her blank expression seemed to astonish the young woman rather cause her any vexation. So were they in fact like former friends, and the young woman was surprised not to immediately inflame the person she had known, every day perhaps for an entire summer. Perhaps without knowing Albertine somebody else who knew her had told the young woman about the tastes that from time to time I feared. Or perhaps this information about her was furnished by Albertine herself by some mysterious sign unnoticed by me but which is immediately recognized by the initiated. A few days later I saw the young woman in a gaming room looking at a woman in the same way, but this woman responded to the illumination in the eyes of the other with an equivalent phosphorescence. She quickly came up to her. The husband of the young woman who had stared at Albertine rejoined his wife who introduced him to the unknown woman as a childhood friend, and he remained close by them, compliant, while the two women took recourse to those paltry means, always the same, of brushing against each others' knees, placing a foot against the other, to indicate their desire. The table moved slightly, the husband saw nothing. Fathers looked upon these women with whom they had forbidden their daughters to ever dance with severity. And later on in the party room a little girl of twelve years old who had the ingenious admiration of a still innocent child regarding the beautiful lady who had stared at Albertine, crossed the length of the ballroom in order to perform a thousand entirely childish, entirely pure caresses with her idol. But the latter was displeased by it, thought it compromising for her. As for Albertine she gave every appearance of never having even noticed her. But this was carried out with an indifference so stripped of vexation, stripped even of that exaggeration we see when one's indifference clings to the knowledge that we ourselves are indifferent to it, it was carried out so naturally, that for several days I wondered if Albertine had not seen her elsewhere, at certain times that I was unaware of, and was praying that she would ignore her in the casino. This was a supposition that appeared to corroborate the fact that Albertine, having told me that very day that she absolutely did not know that woman, did not know who she was, she then told me that she had known about her reputation for some years, that everybody knew about it. She shattered the contradiction that I pointed out to her by saying that perhaps we were not talking about the same woman, and to make certain she asked me various questions about the lady to which I made no response, fearing that if it was the case that Albertine was innocent and yet pervertible I might be steering her in that direction. A supposition that proved that I really did have some love for Albertine, because it is only through love, as if with the help of a supplementary sense, that we penetrate worlds that are unknown to us that renew themselves incessantly before our eyes without us seeing them and without the phosphorescence that it the train of light that they generate, often at great distances, between one woman and another, even though scarcely visible to men, at least if they are not jealous. Be that as it may much later I came to learn that in every part of the country, in every town, in every village where she had been Albertine had come into contact with those women that she "did not know in the slightest" but whose reputations were found wanting. And so it is that a dispersed and purely ideal Gomorrah tends everywhere to bring back together all its separated members, to rebuild the biblical city, while on all sides too the same efforts are made, maybe denied, maybe desired, because of the contradictory surroundings into which their habitual situation plunges them where they have attachments [?] to which they cling [?], the same endeavours, be it in view of a reconstruction that is only intermittent and for a short stay, the same efforts are made by the exiles of Sodom.


[margin] Most capital
Sometimes a beautiful young girl passed with some others, Albertine appeared not to have seen her. But a moment later she turned back with the pretext that she : "I'm looking at the new flag that they've put up over the casino. They needn't have bothered." Or even "Why they haven't even repaired the kiosk." And I felt that my presence must be a burden to her.


Perhaps somewhere in book XX Most Capital
The old man walked, his look circumspect, his step cautious, measuring the distance that separated him from his grave, careful not to let himself be pushed into any of those at either side of him. One felt that, different in this way from other human beings, he was not alone. He had the preoccupied expression of somebody who feels that he has fallen ill, and the wings of the invisible travelling companion who accompanied him spread a leaden yellow on his cheeks which was perhaps that of his last evening* and contrasted starkly with the "roses of eternal morning".


Françoise said to me one evening day when I had reproached her (during the period of Albertine's stay) Oh! my young master So my young master you want the old woman to go then? she'll be gone by tomorrow. But you know you have bought me and even far away from you I will always be yours. Then following some or other conversation with Albertine. That night I got up. I wrote to my banker who held all of my securities and asked him to have them delivered to me, sending him all the receipts. I received them the next day, I gave them all to Françoise, it was her I loved, not Albertine and it was only right and proper that the old woman who had toiled all her life should taste some kindness in her life, even if she no longer lived with us. But Françoise would not accept a single sou of all this fortune. An hour later she called Albertine that dingo, and proved herself to be so spiteful and so vulgar that I did not regret her disinterested refusal.

[margin] The manager at Balbec Above all else you must avoid not setting fire to the chimney.

Think about Vascoursellio's [??] appearance at a luncheon party


In Sodome et Gomorrhe (probably in the Verdurin's soirée in Paris)
M. de Charlus will say: I have been fixed on that one for a long time. Besides I was after him a bit in Constantinople and I had very precise information. And this "I have been fixed" which was an expression M. de Charlus often used, seemed to include so many memories that he smiled to himself about and that by contrast, all the people who had not been fixed upon, who did not even suspect as much, for whom in place of memories and information there was nothing but emptiness, took on because of that moreover, simple and honestly mediocre people that they were, an adorable halo of saintly innocence.

116r - 118r

In Sodome et Gomorrhe II
They love their mothers, their wives, their sisters and even years later when anybody speaks of them their eyes well up, but merely in the same way that the forehead of a very fat gentleman breaks out in a sweat when he gets up to walk; with this difference that in the case of the latter we pity them, we say: "How hot you are", whereas in the case of the former we try to look as though we have not noticed their tears so as not to encourage any sentimentality. "We" that is to say people in polite society, because the servants become alarmed by teary eyes will say - in a tone that is quasi medical "I don't like to see you crying like that" and as if the most that one [illegible] was a sort of haemorrhage, which is dangerous for the one who is afflicted and also for the one who has to see it and who knows that the sight of blood makes him bring his food back up. This affection of inverts for their wives, for their sisters, is perhaps so deep that for some periods of time they change their life and the return to their usual habits is only one form of the consummation of forgetting. But the most frequent lie under which they have continued to live is the most powerful. They were obliged forced to deceive by the very prejudice
that surrounds encircles them, to deceive the people around them every day, that their suffering, without ceremony, and their habits are simultaneous, and they can arrive at the town hall or the church with an overflowing heart and can make eyes almost maniacally at the superintendent of the funeral group [?] or at a choirboy.

118r - 120r

Most Capital
For Sodome et Gomorrhe.
And from time to time I hoped that she did not come back because she would surely leave again one day and thinking about the awfulness of the moment when she went, I said to myself, like morphine addicts who prefer not to take morphine again knowing that if not they would be forced to give up morphine all over again [?] I asked myself [?]
(continued on the next page
if it would not be better to endure an absence forever than to face anew the horror of departure

M. de Norpois or Brichot: that's no reason to throw him down the Gemonian stairs (better for M. de Norpois)
Right and proper

In bordellos strange usages [?] they say the assistant-governess as if is was up to her to teach and have repeated these of immoral lessons. And what a circumlocution in this expression "At the moment the ladies are assuming their poses, nothing happens". The terrible sounds of the mass, you can hear the responses. Circulation and interruption as though by police constables.

At Jupien's house vaguely Pompeian paintings in the basement, "There are some very nice ladies down here: spoken laughingly by Jupien in an affected and wheedling manner as he pointed out the oceans of Hurculaneum.

In Sodome et Gomorrhe II
Some of them were so clearly women, that one felt that the women who looked at them with desire had vowed themselves  (at least out of a particular predilection) to the same deception in the same way that a woman in one of Shakespeare's comedies is deceived by the young girl in disguise who is making herself pass for a young man, the deception is the same, the invert is aware of it understands it himself when he sees a woman staring at him, he desires [?] the deception that his disguise has brought about in her [?] and in this way inversion is a source of poetry just like those disguises that lead to the mistakes of sex in Twelfth Night.


[margin] M. de Norpois make the magnates of finance stump up

120r - 121r

An invert can deny to his friend that he is one; perhaps even when telling him that he has never had relations with other men he is telling the truth. But when he undresses and puts on his white pyjamas, his arms bare, his neck bare under his black hair, his pyjamas have become a woman's camisole,  his head that of a pretty Spanish girl and the friend is horrified to be confronted by these sexual confidences that are more true than his words, even of his actions, and that these actions cannot fail to confirm, if they have not done so already, because in life every person pursues his pleasure and seeks out the opposite sex to his own if they are not too lecherous. Because for the invert vice begins when he seeks to take his pleasure with women - certainly not when he has relations because they might be demanded by the duties of marriage, marital desire etc. - but when he takes his pleasure with women.


[margin] M. de Norpois: Certainly the Germans want to seduce us, not to put too fine a point on it, on condition that it is they who lead the game. But upon this subject it is impossible for us not to say simply to go to Conossa even but to remain in league with Wilhelm II. M. de Norpois: Does this not touch upon the German question


Madame Cottard
After a certain lapse of time...
Mme Cottard never said lapse indoors without picking up the expression worthy of a lady who looks after her best dresses her collars on her day, because she thought lapse of time had something very proper and rather distinguished about it.

M. de Norpois raise the standard of revolt

118v - 119v

For the last cahier when I think I am close to death, not being able to go down the stairs.
From that moment on the measurement of Time changed for me. It passed much more quickly. Not because I was afraid of not having enough time to complete my work. But even without any wish on my part, everything receding with an extreme while making no apprehension intervene on my part, it was as though, in a first degree where it did not "play its part",  I was in a world as different from the old one as, for example, at the outbreak of a summer's day where everything is in its place, where not a single leaf flutters, to a stormy autumn day, when the fallen leaves swiftly circulate. I think that this had the result of my receiving more letters and in seeing more people, because the rumour that I had some talent was being spread, fatigue prevented me from reading these letters to the end so that I could not remember a single word of them the next day nor even if I had received them on seeing those people again. Also too perhaps because everything played out so quickly before my notice that could furnish only an instant, an instant not even prolonged it was reproduced - as a statue is the reproduction of a dead person - by memory, time seemed to me to have become very rapid; which made me suppose that its duration is relative to the attention we give to it, that we can give to things, and which seems to us something so powerful calm and almost stable as long as old age has not yet come to us, in part because we place a kind of insistence upon remaining close to people, to be fully aware and knowing that we will continue to remember the things we have read. So that by some strange contradiction time never seems as fleeting until the moment when, even outside of our understanding, or through the fear of the coincidence of identical impressions, I was able to construct outside of it an extra-temporal eternity, itself Time, even in a more humble and totally humane understanding I was yet about to be able to account for its self prolongation, having enormous dimensions, too great even for our weakness. [?]


At the bordello (Jean) those big eyes were mirrors in which were repeated one moment but in which I was unable to read see everything that I wanted to understand (about Santois? about Albertine?).
The forms of female beauty engender a purely physical pleasure in which they count for nothing, and yet this pleasure sterilizes them, chastity protects fecundity from amorous ideas.


M. de Guermantes I do believe that she is slightly under the influence of Bacchus.

Mme Cottard: we are there at the mobile camp.

Mme Verdurin (for Charlus or Saniette) in a low voice: "A trap"


M. de Norpois: we must respond to Germany from lake to lake
threading the needle
Mme Bontemps Cottard a silly turn of events has happened to me, I haven't got a cook, as true as you see me now I'm going out into the countryside to find one.

Sodome et Gomorrhe (2nd stay at Balbec)
My mother was annoyed because while wishing to be alone to think about my grandmother, she met an old lady and her daughter from Combray on the beach. But after chatting with her, seeing that they were inconveniencing her, they were very discreet and never stopped her again. They were two intelligent and sweet women but to whom their love of sweetness was quite unyielding. Consciously - because they knew the correct pronunciation of cueuillier [?] and F
énélon perfectly well, the syrups that they made themselves from the flowers they gathered in their large garden at Combray were so sweet that they found it quite hard [?] when people poured two or three drops of it into water. Having once heard me say that I had dined with Mme de Fénélon, they had found declared that my way of talking was not at all harmonious way of talking lacked harmony. They thought that the lady who was suitable for the bard of Telemachus could well be bought at the cost of an accent that does not figure in her name. They had, as grandmother had reproached them, for picking the beautiful oranges that were as their white flowers there were in the vestibule in front of the rooms about thirty beautiful orange trees in pots, for stripping them of their pretty white flowers to make the liqueur called "orange flower".

[margin] to sound more distinguished they said se-aucer [secoupe] instead of saucer [soucoupe] and did not find


Françoise about Albertine she's a real prude

for Cottard po-ite for poet, exetra (for et cetera) hot drinks intrusion [?]

123r - 124r

To add to Albertine's Sleep
She was motionless, With her eyes closed, she was motionless, like a marble statue. Sleep is a great sculptor. I could touch her without making her move, reach out and switch on the electric light without making her move. But to know that this marble statue was alive, that even so I knew I could wake her up, what excess of intoxication was added to my admiration of this marble statue, with its so finely chiselled dimples, with its incarnate splendour, motionless, but yet living and when I wanted to I kew how to finally awaken the sleeping goddess, change her into a creature of agile caresses.

125r - 125v

Have Le Côté de Guermantes start like this
We may remember that that day, upon leaving the marvellous vantage point that I had at the top of the house over the first the mountainous valley that extended to the Hotel de Tresmes and which gaily ornamented in pink campaniles the Marquis de Fr
écourt's tiled coach-house, I had resolved to abandon my post and later in the afternoon when I thought that the Duc and Duchesse would be on the point of returning to come and sit back down on the stairs. Expediency had prescribed that I abandon my high summit and I regretted it; no doubt at that hour I would not have seen the minuscule characters as if in a picture that from that distance the footmen from the Hotel de Tresmes became, making the slow ascent up the steep slope, feather duster in hand, between the isolated sheets of rock crystal. But how pleasant it is at that hour to see the sun foliating these neighbouring heights that seem so distant with their dazzling flame. But expediency had suggested that I abandon my lofty post and I did not know that I was going to be compensated in another way for what I was about to see from the staircase. The windows and the glazed door were open and I had no thought of closing them as I sometimes did when the air was scorching hot and besides I could more easily hear the slightest sound, should the Duchesse return on foot.

For Sodome et Gomorrhe
Lying certainly perhaps a character trait

M. de Norpois the vagaries
compose (in the sense of being in composition)

[margin] Carolus Comes Vyrdinensis [?]
Non est mortale quod opto [What I desire is not mortal]

[top of page] Peri with baton on base gules


[written vertically, across top of page, not Proust's handwriting]

Léon Blum
Rachël Boyer
Madame Thomson
Léon Bailley
Doctor  Bouillet (Mayor)
Henri de Régnier
Réne Boylesve
Henri Vonoven
Robert Dreyfus
Marcel Boulanger
Comtesse Chevigné
Françis de Croisset
Lieutenant Delus
Compte Greffulhe
Stephane Brassard
André Picard
Captain Fouquières
Franz Jourdain
Germaine Lavignac
Gaston Berardi

azure with three eagle's heads extracted in gold
Te nemus omne canet [And every grove shall sing]

Mme de Turgis
Marquise de Canet
Marquis de Barillon
Marquis de la Porpe de la Vertu [?]

Charged with two cinquefoils argent with wild cabbage argent [illegible] of sinople

Marquis de Baragnac de Plustôt had the war cry Plustôt to the death

Azure with argent ewe grazing on sinople terasse
non sine labore [nothing without labour]

ecart with lion holding fleur de lys or with leaves dexter beside two eaglets
Wolf's head issuing from castle argent

From Cahier 60, NAF 16700.

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Created 01.05.16
Updated 09.11.16